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Heard on Campus: Distinguished Alumna Sister Joan Chittister

Penn State Distinguished Alumna Joan Chittister is a Benedictine Sister of Erie, Pennsylvania, and a founding member and co-chair of The Global Peace Initiative of Women, a partner organization of the United Nations, through which she works to develop a worldwide network of women peace builders. Credit: Wilson Hutton, Penn State University Libraries. All Rights Reserved.

"Do something to honor the evolutionary God who has given you not just the possibility, not just the option, not just the decision, but given you what it takes to make a difference in the world that badly needs you to make a difference now."

— Sister Joan Chittister, internationally renowned writer, lecturer, social analyst, influential religious leader and Penn State distinguished alumna, speaking on Thursday afternoon (Oct. 15) at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. Her keynote speech, "Who is God in an Evolutionary World?" concluded the University Libraries' two-day Sister Joan Chittister Symposium: Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Questions

The University Libraries' Eberly Family Special Collections Library houses the Joan D. Chittister Archive in a collaboration to preserve her accumulated works with Mercyhurst University in Erie and the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania. The Special Collections Library also is displaying “Inspired and Inspiring: The Passions of Joan Chittister’s Life, an exhibition” through Dec. 15 in 104 Paterno Library.


Last Updated November 17, 2015
