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Rita Gumbert retires from Penn State Fayette

2021 retiree Rita Gumbert (right) assists a student in the Student-Athletes Graduate and Excel program. Credit: Penn State Fayette. All Rights Reserved.

LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Rita Gumbert, financial manager, has retired from Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, after 31 years of service.

Gumbert previously served as the administrative support assistant for the Finance and Business Services and Continuing Education departments, as well as the assistant to the financial director.

While at Fayette, she was awarded the Support Services Excellence Award in 1998 and 2004, as well as the Rose Ann Williams Staff Mentoring Excellence Award in 2010, the Administrative Excellence Award in 2011, and the Robert J. Scannell Roll of Honor for Outstanding Service to the Pennsylvania State University Athletic Conference in 2021. She served as Commencement Marshall in 2016.

“She is one of the most loyal and proud employees I have ever met. I’ve been lucky to have her supporting my shared role. Her dedication and service will certainly be missed,” said Jason Bush, director of business and finance.

Gumbert contributed leadership and service to the campus in numerous roles, such as vice president of the Staff Senate and member of the Commission for Women, Emergency Management Team, Behavioral Threat Management Team, Campus Safety and Security Team, and various event planning committees.

Among her proudest contributions is her time as a “den parent” in the Student-Athletes Graduate and Excel (SAGE) program, a campus initiative to provide emotional, social, and academic support to student-athletes.

“It was my responsibility to help our student-athletes reach their academic goals and cheer them on in their athletic achievements,” said Gumbert.

Known for her regular and enthusiastic attendance at Fayette athletic events, she assisted with the United States Collegiate Athletic Association’s Basketball National Championship, hosted at Penn State Fayette from 2009 to 2020. Most recently, she served as assistant volunteer golf coach.

“I will miss the daily interaction I have enjoyed with students and coworkers most,” she said. “I’m looking forward to improving my skills in the game of golf and traveling to new and exciting places with my family.”

Gumbert lives in Uniontown with her husband, Dave, a Penn State Fayette alumnus of the Electrical Engineering Technology and Business Administration programs. He recently retired from coaching the Fayette golf team. They have two daughters, Heather Saxon, of Pittsburgh, who is a Penn State Fayette alumna with an associate degree in business administration, and Ashley Gumbert, of Canonsburg, who holds a bachelor’s degree in hotel and restaurant management from University Park.

Last Updated September 23, 2021
