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University resources assist sexual assault and sexual misconduct victims

Sexual misconduct on college campuses has been a nationwide topic of conversation in recent months, and Penn State is committed to addressing the issue. Soon after he took office last year, Penn State President Eric Barron charged a group of 17 students, faculty and staff with relevant expertise to review existing Penn State initiatives and advocate for additional efforts that would elevate Penn State’s commitment to curbing sexual violence and misconduct.

The Task Force on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment — chaired by Vice President for Student Affairs Damon Sims — on Jan. 29 released a report containing 18 recommendations, which stressed the importance of spreading awareness about sexual misconduct, as well as the significance of bringing a broader community perspective to these issues, and members of the committee have shared their experiences in a video series. On Feb. 17, President Barron accepted all 18 recommendations presented by the task force.

Listed below are resources — including centers, medical services, counseling services, advocacy and police and safety services — available to Penn State students and others in the University community who have experienced sexual assault and relationship violence.

“In the process of holding people accountable for their actions, one of the most important things we can do is to provide support and resources for those who have been victimized,” said Peggy Lorah, director of the Center for Women Students.


UNIVERSITY PARK CAMPUSCenter for Women StudentsThe center serves all Penn State students, male and female, who have experienced sexual assault and/or relationship violence.

Title IX Coordinator, Ken Lehrman, Assistant Vice Provost for Affirmative ActionThe Title IX Coordinator has responsibility to ensure that the University responds appropriately to any student impacted by sexual harassment (including sexual violence) or gender-based discrimination or harassment.

Centre County Women’s Resource Center

Counseling and Psychological Center (CAPS)

Student and Family Services

University Health Services (UHS) Sexual Assault Services University Health Services Sexual Assault Victim Care Options Guideline:

Telephone Numbers for University Park Sexual Assault ResourcesMedical services:- University Ambulance Service, dial 911 (identify yourself as a student)- Mount Nittany Medical Center, emergency department, 814-234-6110- University Health Services, 814-863-0774- Telephone advice nurse (24 hours a day), 814-863-0774, option 2

Counseling services:- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), 814-863-0395- Center for Women Students, 814-863-2027- Centre County Can Help, 800-643-5432 (Crisis Line)- Centre County Women's Resource Center, 814- 234-5050

Advocacy, information and support:- Center for Women Students, 814-863-2027- Victim/Witness Advocate, 814-865-1864- Student and Family Emergency Line: 814-863-2020

Police and safety services:- Penn State Police Service, 814-863-1111- State College Borough Police, 814-234-7150- Penn State Escort Service (dusk to dawn), 814-865-WALK


ALL PENN STATE CAMPUSESPenn State's Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence HotlineAvailable 24/7 at all campuses and staffed by trained counselors800-550-7575, TTY: 886-714-7177To directly report child abuse, call Childline at 800-932-0313.

Commonwealth Campuses Sexual Assault Resources


PENNSYLVANIA AND NATIONWIDE RESOURCESPennsylvania Coalition Against Rape hotline: 800-692-7445, TTY: 877-585-109124-hour information and referral line: 888-772-PCAR

National Sexual Violence Resource Center- Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Sexual Assault Response Team information and national SART listserv:

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)- information: 24-hour hotline: 800-656-HOPE

Last Updated April 19, 2017