Agricultural Sciences

Master Watershed Steward Jim Walter inspires environmental action

Jim Walter, a retired chemical engineer, was part of the first Bucks County Master Watershed Steward training class in 2015. He since has taken on a leadership role in the program. Credit: Kathleen Connally. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — From facilitating the planting of thousands of trees to developing an innovative procedure to help pinpoint and address streambank erosion issues, Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward volunteer Jim Walter has inspired environmental action in Bucks County and beyond.

Walter, a retired chemical engineer, was part of the first Bucks County Master Watershed Steward training class in 2015. He since has taken on a leadership role in the program, serving on the county’s advisory council. This council consists of dedicated program volunteers who organize annual meetings, create program budgets, and monitor project requests and fundraising needs. Walter also participates in the Buckingham Township Environmental Advisory Council and is a founding board member of the Neshaminy Watershed Association.

“In Bucks County, we face significant surface water problems, including erosion and flooding during hurricanes,” said Walter. “Part of our work focuses on slowing the flow of surface water and preventing streambank erosion to protect homes from being washed away. The Master Watershed Steward program has helped me work with townships, conservation districts and other organizations to address these issues.”

Walter implemented a simple and effective citizen science tool to measure streambank erosion, originally used by academics, that volunteers in several counties now use. The procedure involves inserting rebar into the streambank, leaving an inch exposed, and measuring it monthly to record the change in erosion. Walter trained many volunteers to conduct these measurements, creating a database of erosion issues to share with local conservation districts, townships and watershed associations. Walter’s method has gained popularity, as people from other states have shown interest in learning how it works.

A project Walter found particularly meaningful was a streambank restoration on Watson Creek in Bucks County. Once a historic trout stream, the creek had become infested with Japanese knotweed. This invasive plant is difficult to eradicate, as it spreads rapidly along waterways, blocking native plants and providing little habitat for wildlife, Walter explained.

The Master Watershed Steward volunteers collaborated with community members and neighbors to remove the Japanese knotweed and replant the area with native trees and shrubs. Over the past three years, the neighborhood, with the help of the Master Watershed Stewards, has continued to remove invasive vegetation and plant new trees and live stakes. Restoring the streambank with deep-rooted native trees and shrubs helps prevent erosion and supports the local ecosystem.

“Jim’s enthusiasm for the program, his concern for the environment and his patient ways are driving forces encouraging fellow volunteers to participate in projects that are making a big difference in the community,” said Kathleen Connally, Master Watershed Steward coordinator for Penn State Extension in Bucks County.

Master Watershed Steward Jim Walter led a live staking workshop in late March at Peace Valley Park in Doylestown, Bucks County. The volunteers that he trained planted 450 stakes. Credit: Kathleen Connally. All Rights Reserved.

Walter was instrumental in promoting the use of live staking for streambank restoration, Connally noted. This process involves taking cuttings from dormant native shrubs and trees and installing them into the banks of eroding streams, ponds or lakes. The stakes quickly form a dense root mat to help secure the bank and prevent erosion. Since 2021, Walter has helped coordinate the installation of more than 6,000 live stakes in Bucks County through on-site training programs where volunteers learn the process by taking part in it.

“Jim is an excellent trainer and presenter, capable of simplifying complex topics and communicating effectively,” Connally said. “His approach is friendly and approachable, and people feel comfortable asking him questions.”

In 2022, Walter urged the Bucks County Master Watershed Stewards to set a goal of planting 2,022 trees to increase carbon sequestration, shade, oxygen levels, habitat and property values. He helped develop opportunities to obtain and plant the trees. The program more than doubled its goal by planting more than 4,500 trees in Bucks County.

“This is the one thing you can do to change the environment locally,” Walter observed about the program. “When you think about the big problems of the world, such as climate change and pollution, they’re almost intractable as an individual. But fixing streams and planting trees is something everybody can do to make an impact on the environment. Those trees will be there for the rest of your life.”

Connally pointed out that the program’s volunteer opportunities cater to a wide range of skills and abilities, encompassing hands-on tasks such as streamside plantings, stream monitoring and cleanups, educational events such as rain barrel workshops, and supporting roles such as fundraising through native tree and plant sales.

“Anyone interested in the environment and the water we drink, and who is willing to learn more and make a difference in their community, will find a great deal of personal satisfaction by joining the program,” Connally said.

The Penn State Master Watershed Steward program provides extensive training in watershed management to volunteers who, in return, educate the community about watershed stewardship based on university research and recommendations. The program was established to strengthen local capacity for management and protection of watersheds, streams and rivers by educating and empowering volunteers across the commonwealth.

Anyone interested in becoming a Master Watershed Steward can learn more about the program on the Penn State Extension website.

Last Updated April 14, 2023
