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Agricultural Sciences

Food pantry in the College of Ag Sciences aims to curb food insecurity on campus

Stocking the new food pantry in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences are, from left, Jenny Storch, administrative/career services support in the Office for Undergraduate Education, and Ketja Lingenfelter, assistant director of student global engagement, Ag Sciences Global. Credit: Contributed photo. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Food insecurity often remains a hidden struggle among college students, including those attending Penn State. However, a new initiative in the College of Agricultural Sciences is aimed at tackling this issue — a food pantry designed to provide support.

Spearheaded by the college’s Ag Sciences Global and Office for Undergraduate Education, with support from the Student Farm at Penn State, the food pantry’s official first day will coincide with World Food Day on Oct. 16. The grand opening will feature online readings from the PoetryXHunger collection, information on World Food Day, and resources available to students.

The pantry is located at 122 Ag Administration Building, also home to the college’s study-abroad lounge. It will be open most weekdays, welcoming students from across the University from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Those using the service will find a well-stocked array of food items donated by the college’s faculty, staff and the Student Farm.

Ketja Lingenfelter, assistant director of student global engagement, will oversee the program. She said the catalyst for the pantry was the Food and Housing Needs Survey conducted by the University. It showed that a need exists among some students on the University Park campus, with almost a fourth of respondents indicating they have some trouble securing food daily.

“Informally, we’ve received feedback from students expressing a strong desire for increased access to nutritious foods,” she said. “Our objective is to offer supplementary food resources to enhance these students' quality of life and overall health. We are also delighted to receive support from the Student Farm, benefiting from the fruits of their hard work.”

To learn more about the food pantry, contact Lingenfelter at Donation bins also can be found in the first-floor hallway of the Ag Administration Building.

Click here for information on other food support resources on campus and in the community, including the student-run Lion's Pantry

Last Updated October 6, 2023
