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‘Policy Profiles’ leadership webinar series continues this semester

School of Public Policy discussions to profile experts' career paths and experience

The School of Public Policy's "Policy Profiles" webinar series with policy experts continues as they discuss how their positions impact policy and the policymaking process and how they have leveraged their policy training into successful careers. The next event will occur at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8, with Penn State alumnus Josh Korn, director of global innovation and technology public policy for Netflix, Inc. Credit: Penn State / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The School of Public Policy’s webinar series profiling guests with expertise in diverse policy issues continues this semester at 3 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month.

The virtual events will highlight communications policy, health policy, political and legislative expertise at the state and federal level, and nonprofit leadership; providing policymakers the opportunity to discuss multiple policy career paths and issue areas with students and recent graduates.

“We’re excited to present students and the broader community with the opportunity to ask professionals about their experiences, to learn how their positions impact policy and the policymaking process, and to offer advice for those in their early public policy careers,” said Catherine Baumgardner, director of professional development and student engagement in the School of Public Policy. “These profiles continue to show our current and prospective students how our Penn State alumni and friends have leveraged their public policy training into successful careers. It's an invaluable opportunity for our students to directly connect with policy experts.”

Advance registration is required. For more information and to register, visit:

Following is a schedule of webinar topics and dates:

Penn State alumnus Josh Korn, director of global innovation and technology public policy for Netflix, Inc., will join the School of Public Policy's webinar to discuss his background in global, state and federal communications, and technology policy.  Credit: Josh Korn. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, Sept. 8 

3 to 4 p.m.

“Policy Profiles: Josh Korn” 

Josh Korn, director of global innovation and technology public policy for Netflix, Inc., will discuss his background in global, state and federal communications, and technology policy. Korn is an expert on the intersection of technology and entertainment including issues related to artificial intelligence, protection of minors, net neutrality and media law. He will discuss his work to promote policies that support a competitive, open and dynamic internet entertainment market.  

Penn State alumnus Christian L. Soura, executive vice president of the South Carolina Hospital Association, will speak about his experience in health policy at the state and national levels at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 13. Credit: Christian Soura. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, Oct. 13

3 to 4 p.m.

“Policy Profiles: Christian Soura”

Christian L. Soura, executive vice president of the South Carolina Hospital Association, will speak about his experience in health policy at the state and national levels. He will also talk about his work as deputy chief of staff for Gov. Nikki Haley, former governor of South Carolina, with responsibility for the state’s executive budget and policy initiatives. Soura is a former secretary of administration for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and was chairman of the board of PEBTF, Pennsylvania’s largest group purchaser of health insurance.

Penn State alumnus John Richter, federal legislative director at G2G consulting, will discuss his extensive background in political and policy experience at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Credit: John Richter. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, Nov. 10

3 to 4 p.m.

“Policy Profiles: John Richter”

John Richter will discuss his political and policy experience, having served on presidential and congressional campaigns including President Obama’s 2008 campaign in Colorado, as deputy political director for the Clinton-Kaine campaign in Pennsylvania and for the Biden-Harris campaign in Pennsylvania. Richter worked on Capitol Hill for more than eight years for members of Congress in the House and the Senate, beginning his career in the office of Sen. Bob Casey on health care, veterans, science, technology and telecommunications issues. He also served as a lobbyist and advocacy and political specialist for the American Nurses Association and WorldatWork. He is currently the federal legislative director at G2G consulting where he oversees the firm's federal clients and legislative priorities. 

Anne Gingerich, executive director of the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofits (PANO), will join the “Policy Profiles” series to discuss her work with the nonprofit community and PANO in partnership with various organizations, companies and government entities. Credit: Anne Gingerich. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, Dec. 8

3 to 4 p.m.

“Policy Profiles: Anne Gingerich”

Anne Gingerich, executive director of the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofits (PANO), will join the “Policy Profiles” series to discuss her work with the nonprofit community and PANO in partnership with various organizations, companies and government entities. She will talk about her systems approach to her work, engaging multiple individuals and groups to identify and implement collaborative solutions to community problems. At PANO, she “walks alongside” community benefit organizations, increasing their effectiveness, efficiency and financial stability through the planning, training, facilitation and referral services available at PANO.

For more information, a complete schedule and recordings of completed webinars, visit the webpage for the series.

Last Updated August 31, 2021
