Student Aid
Explore scholarships opportunities at Penn State and how to search for external scholarship awards.
Institutional Scholarships Managed by the Office of Student Aid (see below)
Deadlines and application information have been released for the 2025-26 academic year, including: Steve A. Garban Grant-in-aid, Henrietta M. Fisher Memorial Honor Scholarship Fund, Laurel Haven Endowment Scholarship, Employees of Consolidated Freightways Scholarship, Andrew James Bartels Memorial Scholarship, Richard J. and Dolores Bush Scuderi Scholarship, Dolores Bush Scuderi and Richard J. Scuderi Scholarship, and The David Schwebel Endowed Memorial Scholarship.
Scholarships at Penn State
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and/or financial need as defined by the specific scholarship program. All students who are offered admission and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to Penn State are considered for scholarships that may be available through Penn State's Office of Student Aid, academic colleges, individual campuses, or other administrative units.
Please recognize Penn State cannot guarantee an award to every student who may rank at or near the top of their class. While Penn State is not able to negotiate student aid packages to match grant and scholarship offers from other colleges and universities, we are more than happy to discuss other aid opportunities and what funding options might work best for your family.

Penn State Scholarships
Each year, Penn State enrolls many outstanding and academically talented students. Approximately one in four of our undergraduates receive a University scholarship.

Scholarship Awards
Awards vary and are determined by donor guidelines on the basis of merit, financial need, or a combination, as defined by the specific scholarship program. Typical scholarship awards can range from $1,500 per year to $5,000 per year, however, the average value usually does not exceed $2,500.

Research Scholarships
A limited number of scholarships with eligibility based upon need, merit, or a combination of the two may be available through Penn State's Office of Student Aid, academic colleges, individual campuses, or other administrative units.
Undergraduate Admissions Scholarships
Penn State Commonwealth Award
The Penn State Commonwealth Award is offered annually to first-time, first-year students who are residents of Pennsylvania and enroll at a Penn State campus other than Penn State University Park or Penn State World Campus for the fall semester immediately following their high school graduation. Transfer students are not eligible to receive the award.
Penn State Discover Award
The Discover Award is awarded to first-time, first-year domestic students who enroll at a Penn State campus other than Penn State University Park or Penn State World Campus for both the fall and spring semester immediately following their high school graduation. Transfer students who enroll in a degree program that can be completed at a Penn State campus other than Penn State University Park or Penn State World campus are also eligible.
Penn State Provost's Award
The Provost's Award is a four-year award that is available to first-time, first-year students with offers of admission to any of Penn State’s twenty undergraduate campuses, excluding Penn State World Campus. Both Pennsylvania and non-Pennsylvania residents are considered for this award, as well as international students, and it is very competitive. This award is not available for transfer students to Penn State.
Scholarship Opportunities for All Students
All students who are offered admission and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to Penn State are considered for scholarships awarded by the Office of Student Aid. Scholarships are included in your Aid Summary on LionPATH and count toward your cost of attendance.
For most scholarships you must:
Maintain Federal and Penn State Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements
Enroll full-time (12 credits or more)
Many require that students maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher
Both Pennsylvania and out-of-state students receive equal consideration.
Annual amounts range from $1,500 - $3,200
Some are renewable
Notifications are sent March through August — you will receive a letter or an email if you are selected
Approximately one in four undergraduate students receive a scholarship
How to Apply
The majority of scholarships awarded by the Office of Student Aid are based on a combination of merit and demonstrated financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you have not filled out the FAFSA, please see .
Deadlines and Application Information for the 2025-26 academic year
Steve A. Garban Grant-in-aid
For Children of Penn State Technical Service or Staff Employees
This grant-in-aid, awarded to one new first-year student, is intended to assist with room and board charges for two years, provided the student continues full-time enrollment at Penn State or Penn College, incurs on-campus room and board charges, and demonstrates academic success.
Eligibility Requirements
Must be a child of a full-time Penn State or Penn College technical service or staff employee
Must be a first-year, full-time student at any Penn State campus or at the Pennsylvania College of Technology
Must have demonstrated leadership and humanitarian qualities through extracurricular activities during high school
Must have achieved or show promise of achieving academic success
Must be living at a Penn State location that offers on campus housing – campus location with housing are as follows:Penn State Abington, Penn State Altoona, Penn State Beaver, Penn State Berks, Penn State Brandywine, Penn State Erie, Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State Harrisburg, Penn State Hazelton, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn College, Penn State Schuylkill, and Penn State University Park
Award amount varies based on on-campus room and board charges with two awards given annually.
Application and Contact Information
To be considered, students must submit a letter that includes all of the following:
Student's Name
Student's Penn State ID Number or Penn College ID Number
Parent’s Penn State ID Number or Penn College ID Number
Penn State or Penn College staff employee's name and position
A personal essay of no more than two typewritten pages that gives examples of the student's leadership, humanitarian, and academic merits
Submit your application via email to:
Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee University Scholarships
Application Deadline
Student letters will be accepted until April 11, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in May. All applicants will be notified.
Henrietta M. Fisher Memorial Honor Scholarship Fund
Eligibility Requirements
Must be a first-year, Penn State University Park baccalaureate degree student
Must file FAFSA
Must be a Dauphin County resident (Steelton-Highspire High School graduates preferred)
May be pursuing any college major (Engineering, Earth & Mineral Science, Science, and Liberal Arts majors preferred)
Must demonstrate leadership and patriotism (ROTC students preferred)
Scholarships are awarded for one year unless enrolled in a Penn State ROTC program.
Application and Contact Information
To be considered, please submit a letter that includes all of the following:
Student Name
Student Penn State ID Number
A personal essay of no more than two typewritten pages that illustrates leadership skills, patriotism, career aspirations, and academic merit.
Submit your application via email to:
Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee University Scholarships
Application Deadline
Application material will be accepted until May 2, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in May. All applicants will be notified.
Laurel Haven Endowment Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
Must be enrolled in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management in the College of Agricultural Sciences (first recipient preference) or enrolled in the College of Education with a major in elementary or secondary education and an interest in environmental education or enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences with an option in Environmental Sciences (second recipient preference)
Must be full-time undergraduate or graduate student for Fall/Spring 2025-26
Must be engaged in or previously engaged in, or still interested in, conservation education
Award amount varies with one award given annually.
Application and Contact Information
Submit your application via email to:
Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee University Scholarships
Application Deadline
Application material will be accepted until May 2, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in May. All applicants will be notified.
Employees of Consolidated Freightways Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
Must be a child or grandchild of a former Consolidated Freightways employee
Must be enrolled at Penn State Harrisburg or Penn State York
Must be an outstanding undergraduate
Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Award amounts vary with two awards given annually.
Application and Contact Information
To be considered, send verification of student's relationship to the former Consolidated Freightways employee, with a letter of application that identifies the Penn State student by name, Penn State ID, and campus of enrollment. The former employee's pension plan administrators should be able to provide verification of employment. If pension plan verification is not available, an applicant must submit a notarized statement explaining the student's relationship to the former Consolidated Freightways employee.
Submit your application via email to:
Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee University Scholarships
Application Deadline
Application material will be accepted until May 2, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in May. All applicants will be notified.
Andrew James Bartels Memorial Scholarship
The Andrew James Bartels Memorial Scholarship was established by William M. Bartels to honor and recognize outstanding achievements by undergraduate students who have achieved Star, Life or Eagle rank in the Boy Scouts of America.
Eligibility Requirements
Must be a full-time undergraduate student who is enrolled or planning to enroll at any Penn State campus
Must have achieved or demonstrated academic merit
Must have achieved Star, Life or Eagle rank in the Boy Scouts of America
Award amounts vary with two awards given annually.
Application and Contact Information
To be considered, please submit the following:
Student's Name
Student's Penn State ID Number
A one-page essay that describes student's Star, Life or Eagle rank achievement and reasons why student should be selected for the Andrew James Bartels Memorial Scholarship
Letter of recommendation and verification of Star, Life or Eagle rank achievement from student’s Scout Master or Boy Scouts of America official
Submit your application via email to:
Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee University Scholarships
Application Deadline
Application material will be accepted until May 2, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in May. All applicants will be notified.
Richard J. and Dolores Bush Scuderi Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
Must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolling at any Penn State campus
Must demonstrate superior academic success
Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Must be in good standing as determined by the Office of Judicial Affairs
Preference for first generation students (i.e., first one in the family to attend college)
Application and Contact Information
To be considered, please submit the following:
Student's Name
Student's Penn State ID Number or Penn College ID Number
A personal essay of no more than two typewritten pages that provides examples of the student's academic success and demonstrated knowledge of Italian history, culture or language; and/or who have completed coursework in Italian studies; and/or who have made a commitment to enhance Italian culture
Award amount varies with one award given annually.
Submit your application via email to:
Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee University Scholarships
Application Deadline
Application material will be accepted until May 2, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in May. All applicants will be notified.
Dolores Bush Scuderi and Richard J. Scuderi Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
Must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolling at any Penn State campus
Must demonstrate superior academic success
Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Must be in good standing as determined by the Office of Judicial Affairs
Preference for first generation students (i.e., first one in the family to attend college)
Award amount varies with one award given annually.
Application and Contact Information
To be considered, students must submit a letter that includes the following:
Student's Name
Student's Penn State ID Number or Penn College ID Number
A personal essay of no more than two typewritten pages that provides examples of the student's academic success and demonstrated knowledge of Polish history, culture or language; and/or who have completed coursework in Polish studies; and/or who have made a commitment to enhance Polish culture.
Submit your application via email to:
Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee University Scholarships
Application Deadline
Application material will be accepted until May 2, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in May. All applicants will be notified.
The David Schwebel Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
Must be a child of an active, full-time employee of the Schwebel Baking Company or its subsidiaries and divisions who has been employed for at least two years
Must be an undergraduate enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State
Must have achieved or demonstrated academic merit
Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
First preference is given to eligible first-year students
Award amounts vary with one or two awards given annually.
Application and Contact Information
Applications are available by contacting:
Human Resources Schwebel Baking Company P.O. Box 6013 Youngstown, OH 44501-6018
Application Deadline
Applications should be returned to Kym McGivern at the Schwebel Baking Company before or by May 2, 2025. All applicants will be notified.
Frank A. Sinon Scholarship at Penn State
Eligibility Requirements
Must be an undergraduate student enrolling at Penn State, University Park who has graduated from Austin Area High School in Austin, PA
Must demonstrate academic success
Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA
Award amount varies with one award given annually and up to 8 semesters.
Application and Contact Information
To be considered, eligible students should e-mail Angel Musser, Coordinator, University Scholarships, through the.
Application Deadline
Application material will be accepted until August 8, 2025. The award recipient will be selected by the Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee and announced in September. All applicants will be notified.
Award values range from $700 to $4,000 per academic year. Awarding for both first-year and continuing students usually begins as early as December and continues throughout the year. Scholarship funds for first-year students are limited for some academic colleges.
Application information by College
Scholarship link will be emailed to specific groups of students only.
All Penn State campuses award scholarships to eligible first-year students based on academic performance, financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), leadership, and community service.
Scholarship award values range from $800 to $6,000 per academic year. Campus scholarship awarding for both first-year and current students begins as early as December and continues through July.
Search for scholarships at our Special Mission locations:
You may be eligible for outside scholarships from businesses or organizations in your local community with which you have affiliations.
Community Resources
Your local chamber of commerce
Your high school
Your parents' employers (dependent students only)
Your employer
Private foundations
Religious organizations
Professional associations
In most cases the awarding agency is responsible for selecting the recipient and determining the value of the scholarship.
Follow Us
Follow us on Instagram or Twitter where we post new scholarship opportunities several times a week.
Searching for Scholarships
Start early. Don't pay!
Start early. Most scholarships are awarded six months to one year prior to the start of the semester or academic year of the award. Some awards are available even as early as elementary school.
Don't pay. Penn State does not endorse any scholarship search engine or scholarship search service that charges a fee. You should never have to pay for a scholarship search. You should not apply for a scholarship that charges an application fee.
The Office of Student Aid recommends the following FREE scholarship search engines:
Notify Penn State of Your Award
If you receive scholarships or educational funds from private organizations, notify the Office of the Bursar.
The funds will be credited to your student account and applied toward your direct charges first. Any excess funds will be refunded to you
Scholarship Support to Complete your Penn State Degree
Complete Penn State
The Complete Penn State Program advocates for students who are working to overcome barriers, connects students to key resources, and provides a little extra support in completion of a Penn State degree.
Summer Success Scholarship
The Summer Success Scholarship helps undergraduate students who have fallen behind in their degree program and would benefit from taking a summer course to get caught up but have financial challenges to doing so.
Administrative Unit Scholarships
Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarships
Outside Scholarship Form Policy When you apply for scholarships through an outside agency, they often require you to provide information about your costs, aid offer, and FAFSA. You can print this information directly from LionPATH. Student Self-Service You can find the links to view your Financial Aid Budget and Financial Aid Offer Letter in your LionPATH Student Home Base under the Financial Aid Offer. You will need to print the information and submit it to the scholarship agency. Certification of Forms by our office In the event that the scholarship agency is unwilling to accept the information that you have printed from LionPATH, requests to complete scholarship forms can be reviewed on a case by case basis with the understanding that the form can only be provided to the student for submission to the respective agency. Similar consideration may be given to students who need to submit their scholarship forms before the information is available in LionPATH.
Scholarships are made possible through generous donations. A well-written "thank you" letter is an important way to acknowledge the funding you have received and gives the donor the opportunity to learn about you. The following tips and sample letter may be helpful for writing your own letter.
Tips for writing your "thank you" letter:
Begin your letter with Dr., Ms., Mr., or Mrs. as appropriate. Do not address the individual by their first name. Only use “Dear Donor” or “Dear Benefactor” in cases where the award letter instructs you to do so, such as when writing to an anonymous donor.
Acknowledge the scholarship you have received by referencing the full name of the scholarship in your first sentence. Include your mailing address and email address if you would like to give the donor the opportunity to respond.
Do not include your Penn State Student ID number. Make it personal. Donors believe that both they and you are making a difference in the world. They are interested in hearing about you.
Avoid confrontational topics such as political, religious, spiritual, or cultural viewpoints. Do not assume that the donor’s viewpoints/preferences are the same as yours.
Proofread! We ask that you write a new "thank you" letter for each year that you continue to receive a scholarship.
If you receive funding from the same donor in previous years, update them on your academic plans, your extracurricular activities, and your career goals. Let them know what you have accomplished this year and how their funding helped make that possible.
Apply for as many scholarship opportunities as possible. They are often available through private companies, nonprofit organizations, local businesses, community organizations, churches, or social organizations.
Try these free sources of information about scholarships:
A high school or TRIO counselor the U.S. Department of Labor’s FREE scholarship search tool
Your state grant agency
Your library’s reference section foundations, religious or community organizations, local businesses, or civic groups organizations (including professional associations) related to your field of interest ethnicity-based organizations your employer or your parents’ employers Fastweb Unigo.
More information on scholarships from Office of Financial Aid
Don’t ever pay for a scholarship search!
Review the information provided by the Office of the Bursar: Tuition Due Dates Paying your Statement Payment Options Refunds Outside Scholarships/External Awards Contact the Office of the Bursar with questions. (