
Free program offers safety tips for flying drones

York LaunchBox kicks-off the new year flying high

The York LaunchBox kicks-off 2021 with a presentation, "Operating Drones for Business and Recreation: What You Need to Know." The program, via Zoom, is free and open to the public. Credit: Penn State / Penn State. Creative Commons

Whether flying a drone, otherwise known as an unmanned aircraft (UA), for a hobby or as a professional, plan to attend the presentation, Operating Drones for Business or Recreation: What You Need to Know, set for 6 p.m. Thursday Feb. 4, via Zoom.  The free program, sponsored by the York LaunchBox at Penn State York, is open to the public, but you must register.

Jennifer A.  Stewart, unmanned aircraft (UA) operations manager and compliance analyst at Penn State, will share information during her presentation. Stewart will share information about a key factor in drone operation, -- flying safely. This interactive presentation will provide safety steps to prepare for each flight mission. The discussion will also highlight the rules, regulations, and best practices for flying drones.

In her position with the University for more than 20 years, Stewart oversees and manages the daily administrative activities associated with UA Operations, reviews flight plans, develops policies and procedures, facilitates strategic program management, and goal setting activities. She leads the development, implementation and presentation of compliance education and training programs for faculty, staff and students using UAs. She also supports other research compliance programs such as scientific diving, biosafety materials and radioisotopes.

Jennifer Stewart, unmanned aircraft (UA) operations manager and compliance analyst at Penn State, will share tips on flying drones safely during a Zoom presentation on Feb. 4 at 6 p.m., sponsored by the York LaunchBox. Credit: Penn State / Penn State. Creative Commons

Stewart holds the designation of a Certified Information Privacy Professional/Information Technology (CIPP/IT) with the International Association for Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and is Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 107 certified.

For more information about this event or to register, contact Beth Brennan at meb58@psu.edu or call 717-771-8407.  All those who register will receive a Zoom link for the event. Register here.

The York LaunchBox, powered by Penn State, opened virtually in September 2020.  York LaunchBox is open to both community members and those affiliated with Penn State York. No affiliation with Penn State is necessary to access resources.
About York LaunchBox

York LaunchBox is a signature program of the Invent Penn State initiative and one of 21 innovation hubs located in Penn State campus communities across Pennsylvania. Learn more at the York LaunchBox website; contact Allan Lehman at asl167@psu.edu; or call 717-771-8408.

The Invent Penn State initiative was launched in 2015 by Penn State President Eric Barron and is aimed at driving job creation, economic development and student career success by connecting aspiring entrepreneurs to those who can help bring their ideas to the marketplace. Find more resources at invent.psu.edu.


Last Updated January 13, 2021
