UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A preview of "We Are Penn State: 2022 Student Oral History Projects" will serve as the Eberly Family Special Collections Library’s first Research Coffee Hour of 2022 and the first public presentation for two new oral history collections at 11 a.m. on Friday, April 8.
The virtual event, hosted by Penn State University Libraries’ Special Collections, introduces two exceptional student researchers who will present oral history projects they’ve conducted in the last academic year:
Heidy Canales will debut a brand-new oral history collection that she has developed — the Latin/o/a/x Student Experience at Penn State Oral History Collection. This oral history project is focused on three aspects of the Latin/o/a/x experience at Penn State: the alum perspective, the current climate, and future steps for inclusion.
Erik Suarez has been working to expand the representation of international students’ experiences with his efforts in conducting interviews for the International Student Oral History Collection.
While most of Penn State’s history is documented through administrative records, faculty papers, University publications, photographs, and audio-video recordings, the Student Oral History Project seeks to preserve the unfiltered experiences of Penn Staters through oral history of the student experience.
Register in advance, via Zoom, to receive a confirmation email with information about access to these important oral history collections prior to the virtual event. Research Coffee Hours are open to all Penn State students, faculty, staff and the Penn State community.
For more information about the "We Are Penn State: 2022 Student Oral History Projects" Research Coffee Hour or for questions about accommodations for this event, contact Rachael Dreyer at 814-863-4338 or