Student Affairs

New meditation room opens in Boucke Building

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — To help make meditation rooms on campus more accessible, Penn State has created a similar space near the center of campus.

Although the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, Eisenhower Chapel, Katz Law Building and several residence halls contain meditation rooms, the space in Boucke provides a quiet location that students can easily visit in between classes and other campus activities.

“Students are so busy during the time that they’re on campus,” said Bob Smith, director of the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development. “The HUB-Robeson Center, of course, is a big place for people to get together, whether it’s for studying or eating. Being in close proximity to the HUB, this new meditation room provides an easy way for students to engage in prayer and meditation.”

The meditation room can be found in Boucke 325H. Following the operational hours of the building, the room will be open to students from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. It contains pillows and other furnishings to provide a comfortable space for the practice, as well as readings that are commonly consulted by various religions.

“Collaboration in finding unique spaces like these to better serve our students is essential as we continue to foster our mission of student success at Penn State,” said Mary Edgington, senior director of the HUB-Robeson Center. “Our colleagues in OPP, along with Student Affairs staff, are pleased to be able to offer this well-being space for our students, and we will continue to partner on further opportunities such as these.”

A number of students, according to Smith, have already used the room, which is marked as an “Identity-Based Resource” on the online campus map. Having a meditation space in the center of campus is important, Smith said, because it can help students relieve stress and feel supported by the Penn State community.

“One of the big things that I think students need more than ever at this point is a release — something that is relaxing, something that helps them, something that is mindful,” Smith said. “I believe that meditation can help your physical health, because it helps your mental health.”

The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development, located in the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, is a unit of Student Affairs. It offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity.

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Last Updated January 26, 2023