Student Affairs

Lion’s Pantry celebrates its 10th anniversary

Penn State President Neeli Bendaputi, center, with the Lion's Pantry Student Executive Team. Credit: The Lion's Pantry. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — On Thursday, Nov. 21, Penn State’s Lion’s Pantry kicked off its 10-year celebration with an open house of its facility. During this town-and-gown event, the student-led organization provided tours of the Lion’s Pantry, overviews of donation resources, and an opportunity to meet student leaders. The Lion’s Pantry has been committed to fighting food insecurity for Penn State University Park students since Nov. 14, 2014. Created and led by students, the pantry was established to address food insecurity within the Penn State community.  

The Lion’s Pantry provides a wide array of foods, from pasta and canned vegetables to fresh produce, every day. It also provides toiletries such as toothpaste and shampoo for guests. It serves nearly 350 guests per week, on average, and it has provided food to more than 4,000 students this semester alone. Any student or faculty member with a valid Penn State ID is welcome to the pantry to receive free food and household supplies — no questions asked.  

The student-run organization has more than 175 active members, who help stock shelves, coordinate with other student organizations for both volunteer and donation opportunities, and work with the surrounding State College community.  

Juan-Rodrigo Solares, current president, joined more than three years ago. Solares said he enjoys his connection with fellow students and the surrounding community and is driven by his experiences at home.

“I grew up not having to worry about if there would be food on the table, however, my parents also taught me never to waste the food that was provided to me and my family,” he said. “My parents also taught me to always give back to my community. And my focus, since coming to Penn State, was on the student community and making sure my fellow students have food on their table.”   

A nationwide challenge 

Nationally, college students are increasingly experiencing food insecurity. Often an unseen challenge, food insecurity, can look different for everyone. For some, it can mean:  

  • Skipping or stretching meals.  According to the Penn State Student Affairs Fall 2022 Food & Housing Needs Survey, across all Penn State campuses, 14% of students have indicated that they have skipped a meal within the last 30 days, a number in line with national trends.

  • Having limited access to nutritious food.  

  • Being uncertain about where their next meal will come from.  

If you are facing food insecurity 

"We value every student at Penn State. It’s important for us to continue in our work to address said insecurities, so our students are able to thrive and make the most of their Penn State experience,” said Heide Gibson, assistant director for the pantry.   

The Lion’s Pantry accepts donations from the Penn State community to stock its shelves with unexpired, unopened and non-perishable food and household products. Supporters not in the immediate area can Click here to learn more about ways to give to the pantry to help stock some of the top items students indicate they need.

A free campus shuttle is also provided to students with stops at Big Hollow or the Hazmat Building, to get them closest to the Lion’s Pantry. Visit the Penn State Go app, then select shuttles to find out more.  

For details about upcoming 10th anniversary celebrations throughout the coming year, follow on Instagram @lionspantrypsu or on Facebook @lionspantry. Additional questions about the Lion’s Pantry operations can be directed to

Last Updated December 6, 2024