Student Affairs

Gender Equity Center October events to mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The Student Programming Association and the Gender Equity Center are hosting an evening with Ashe, on Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. to honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. Credit: Provided by Ashe. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Penn State and community partners are working throughout the month to raise awareness around this important issue and to provide opportunities for the Penn State community to engage in prevention efforts and show support for survivors.

“The theme for Domestic Violence Awareness Month this year is, 'Every1 Knows Some1,' highlighting that domestic violence is more common in our communities than we realize," said Sophia Mills, program coordinator of outreach and prevention of Penn State’s Gender Equity Center, a unit of Student Affairs. "Domestic violence thrives in silence, but this is incredibly harmful to victim survivors, who, without the awareness, education and supportive environments, are unable to share their stories and receive support.”

Leading up to the month, several campuses held awareness events, including the DuBois Campus with their annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: The International Men's March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence. Karter Witmer gave a speech to support the cause and thanked everyone "that was willing to step out of their comfort zone" and make this event a success.

As for the month itself, it will include many involvement opportunities from speakers and exhibits to hands-on activities like the Clothesline Project so students, faculty, and staff can participate in a variety of ways throughout the month.

“Our goal at the Gender Equity Center is to shatter this silence by providing education and awareness efforts and a supportive environment for victim survivors. By shining a light on this important topic, we can raise awareness and work to end domestic violence while supporting victim survivors. Our office cannot do this without the assistance of the Penn State community, so we call on all of us as Penn Staters to unite and work together to end domestic violence,” Mills said.

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Oct. the Penn State community is invited to create t-shirts for the Clothesline Project.  Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

This month’s events include:

Clothesline Project T-Shirt Making

Create a shirt to be displayed around campus as part of the Clothesline Project for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

  • Sept. 27, 5–8 p.m. in the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
  • Sept. 30, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. HUB-Robeson Center, Room 129 ABC
  • Oct. 3, 5–8 p.m. HUB-Robeson Center, Flex Theater
  • Oct. 4, 6–9 p.m. HUB-Robeson Center, Heritage Hall


The Clothesline Project is a national movement focused on creating a visual reminder of the impact that power-based personal violence has had on our community, turning statistics into shirts. The movement helps give a voice to those who have been silenced, sending the message that help is available and there is a path to healing. Everyone in the campus community is encouraged to create a shirt providing words of support for survivors; stories of a personal experience; or messages taking a stand against power-based personal violence. There will be various opportunities for participants to stop by several open sessions and make a shirt in support and solidarity with survivors.

Individuals attending the Commonwealth Campuses, World Campus, or who want to participate virtually, can participate in our Virtual T-shirt making again this year with instructions and templates located on the Gender Equity Center’s website

'Empty Place at the Table'

All Month in Boucke Building, room 204 and Pattee and Paterno Library

Anyone walking by Boucke 204 or in the Pattee and Paterno Library during the month of October will notice a table with a place setting, complete with linens, a plate, silverware and a glass, waiting for someone to take a seat. Unfortunately, no one will arrive. This setting is a part of Centre Safe’s annual “Empty Place at the Table,” awareness project. This place setting is a memorial for the lives lost to domestic violence in Centre County from 1998 to 2017 and serves as a reminder that domestic violence leaves an "empty place at the table" for family and friends of the loved one who is gone. Stop by the display to learn about the victims' stories and honor their lives, taken too soon.

Ashe: Concert and Conversation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Oct. 6, 6:30–7:30 p.m., HUB Robeson: Alumni Hall

The Student Programming Association and the Gender Equity Center are hosting an evening with Ashe, whose full name is Ashlyn Rae Willson, to honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. Join us for a conversation as well as an intimate concert with this recording artist, songwriter, and victim survivor. Ashe is an American indie folk and electro-pop singer, and a Berklee College of Music graduate, best known for her song, "Moral of the Story," which was featured in the hit Netflix movie franchise, "To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You" and hit No. 2 on both the global and U.S. Spotify Viral 50 charts and it reached No. 71 on the Billboard Hot 100. According to Ashe, the song and subsequent work, including her follow-up single, "Save Myself," were her attempts to make sense of her relationship and recent divorce stemming from her partner’s emotional and psychological abuse. Ashe will share her experiences and insights through a moderated Q&A, which will incorporate performances of several of her songs.

Clothesline Project Display

Oct. 10–28, Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, Pattee and Paterno Library, Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, Pollock Commons Cultural Lounge, the IM Building, and more

This in-person display amplifies the voices of those silenced by violence and sends a powerful message of support for victim survivors among our campus community. View shirts made by Penn State community members, providing words of support for survivors; sharing stories of a personal experience; and promoting messages taking a stand against power-based personal violence. 

To view virtual Clothesline submissions, individuals can review the gallery on the Gender Equity Center’s website

Microgreen Planting for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Oct. 11, 6–7 p.m., Headhouses (Greenhouses by the Creamery)

Join Penn State Gender Equity Center and the Student Farm in an important event about growth and change through microgreen planting. Participants will plant and grow their own microgreen seedlings while learning about the healing effects of horticulture therapy. Participants will learn more about additional joint sessions hosted by the Gender Equity Center to promote growth and healing and sign up to join a community of care looking to grow and heal together.

Purple Thursday — Oct. 20

Purple is the recognized awareness color for domestic violence. Purple Thursday aims to raise awareness about intimate partner violence and domestic violence by highlighting support for survivors and the efforts we have taken to reduce the stigma, advocate for survivors, and work for greater safety and equity for victim survivors.

To participate in Purple Thursday, Penn State community members can take a picture of themselves wearing purple or decorate their spaces on campus purple on October 20 and share the pictures on social media tagging @pennstategeneq. Individuals are encouraged to tell followers why they support survivors. Participants who post a picture wearing purple tagging @pennstategeneq, will be entered to win a Gender Equity Center swag bag.

Additionally, people can stop by the Gender Equity Table in the HUB on Oct. 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to get a purple ribbon or Purple Thursday button as well as to get pets and pictures with Ace, a husky and certified therapy dog through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD).

The months events are hosted by the Gender Equity Center and co-sponsored by many areas, including Campus Recreation, Centre Safe, the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development, Development and Enrichment for Intercollegiate Athletics, Paul Robeson Cultural Center, Residence Life, Student Programing Association (SPA), and the University Libraries.

For more information on domestic violence and ways to become involved in prevention efforts, visit

Follow the Gender Equity Center on Facebook and Instagram using @PennStateGenEq to stay up to date or visit Join the Gender Equity Center listserv by emailing

Last Updated September 26, 2022