Student Affairs

Embrace the outdoors with a summer full of Student Farm events

Discover community and nature at the farm

Credit: Student FarmAll Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Venture into the world of the Ross Student Farm as the summer season unfolds with an array of events. While the academic year may have ended for most, the Student Farm’s commitment to fostering community connections and a love for plants and the outdoors continues. Whether you’re eager to immerse yourself in hands-on agricultural experiences, learn more about sustainability or bask in nature, the summer lineup promises something for everyone. 

Community Days 

Throughout the summer there will be a series of three Community Days on the Farm. The first event, Explore the Diversity of Seeds, will be on June 1 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Explore the diversity of seeds with a scavenger hunt, microscope dissection and create native seed balls to take home. 

Volunteering at the farm offers a direct and fulfilling way to support the community while engaging in hands-on work. It's ideal for students or community members who have work or class during the daytime. Regular volunteering sessions run every Tuesday from June 4 to July 30, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. No sign-up or prior experience is necessary — just bring enthusiasm. 

Summer Solstice 

Celebrate the longest days of the year with the annual Summer Solstice Celebration at the Student Farm on June 26 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Enjoy an evening filled with live music, local food trucks and surprises. A free event bus will be shuttling guests to and from the farm, with pickup and drop-off conveniently located at the bus pullout near the Berkey Creamery. It is the perfect opportunity to revel in the warmth of the summer while enjoying the vibrant community. 

Beananza Series  

Dive into the world of legumes with the new Beananza series, a collaboration by Student Farm and the Pasto Agricultural Museum throughout the summer. There is a curated lineup of events dedicated to all things beans. This includes a hands-on workday focusing on plant care and sustainable agriculture practices, and an evening of cultural exploration featuring bean-related stories, poetry and art. The series will be capped off with a processing night at the end of the growing season to celebrate the harvest with chili. 

Campus-based departments or community groups seeking team-building activities are also invited to request group volunteering or tours at a time convenient for the group, via the Student Farm website. Individuals with campus affiliation are also invited to join the annual vegetable subscription program with the Student Farm. Details are available online. 

For the latest updates and information, follow the Ross Student Farm on Instagram and visit the Student Farm website

About the Sustainable Food Systems Network at Penn State 

The Sustainable Food Systems Network includes the Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross Student Farm at Penn State, the Student Farm Club, the Food Recovery Network, the inter-college Food Systems Minor and Course-Client Collaborations. The program aims to develop students' knowledge about sustainable food systems practices while providing hands-on learning opportunities and positively contributing to the community. 

Last Updated May 30, 2024