Q: I have many folders in Box that I no longer need. How do I remove them?

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

A: Box at Penn State offers secure content sharing, storing files online so they can be accessed, managed and shared from anywhere. There are two ways folders can be added to your Box account: you can create them, and others can create folders and share them with you. Likewise, there are two ways to remove folders from your Box account.

If you want to delete a folder you created, you may first wish to copy the contents of the folder to your computer so no information is lost. In addition, if you shared the folder with others, ensure they no longer require use of the folder before deleting it.

Once you are ready to delete a folder you created, look for the "…" (more options) symbol associated with the folder. If you are in list view, the "…" will appear to the right of the "size" column when you mouse over the area. If you are in grid view, the "…" is visible within the tile for each folder. Click on the "…" associated with the folder to open a window with additional options. Choose "More Actions" and then click on the "Trash" option.

If someone shared a folder with you and you no longer wish to have access to the folder, click on the "…" symbol, choose "More Actions" and select "End Collaboration" to remove the folder from your Box.

If you accidentally delete a folder, click on the "Trash" link on the left-hand panel from any page within your Box account. Find your file, click the "…" to the right of the file name and then click Restore. The file will be restored to its original location. Files remain in the trash for 90 days. After 90 days from the date of original deletion, the file may still be recovered; however, you will have to contact the IT Service Desk (box@psu.edu or 814-865-4357). The file will be available for the Service Desk to recover for 14 additional days.

If you accidentally end your collaboration in a folder, contact the folder's owner and request to be re-added.

For more information about Box, check the FAQ at http://box.psu.edu/general-info/.

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Last Updated November 15, 2017