
Progress continues to develop the new Penn State Strategic Plan

Updates include appointing new goal leads and plans to seek community feedback on the institutional plan draft in the fall

The following story provides an update on phase two of the multi-year effort to implement President Neeli Bendapudi’s vision and presidential goals and develop the Penn State Strategic Plan.

At a glance:

  • The University continues its phase two work to develop an institutional plan with objectives, strategies and measures of progress.
  • Preliminary proposals of the institutional plan will be presented for community review and input in fall 2024. To develop an institutional plan that truly reflects the strengths and aspirations of the Penn State community, faculty, staff, and students are strongly encouraged to share their perspectives during this draft stage.
  • Community members charged with leading all goals groups have been named.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Efforts to create the next Penn State Strategic Plan continue to progress, including mapping timelines to share goal drafts with the community and appointing additional goal leadership.  

"I want to again share my gratitude to the hundreds of Penn State faculty, staff and students who have contributed so far,” said Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi. “We're excited to expand this conversation and engage as many members of the community as we can in the coming months." 

Institutional plan proposals to be presented for community input during fall 2024

Within phase two of the strategic planning process, five working groups are developing draft documents — consisting of objectives, strategies and measures of progress — for five goals of the plan.

As previously announced, the goal focused on transforming internal operations will take a unique trajectory and its work is being led by Michael Wade Smith, senior vice president and chief of staff, and Jeremy Bean, assistant vice president of enterprise change and transformation.

Throughout the summer and fall, as they develop their plan proposals, each of the five groups will seek robust input and engagement from a variety of individuals and groups throughout Penn State’s campuses, including faculty and staff members with subject-matter expertise and groups like University Faculty Senate and University Staff Advisory Council.

Following this initial development period, a draft of Penn State’s institutional strategic plan will be shared with the University community for a second phase of gathering broad feedback from students, faculty and staff during the fall semester.

Throughout the community review period, feedback will be gathered through various channels, including targeted engagements with stakeholders and consultations with subject-matter experts. Only after this community review period will the institutional plan be finalized.

Additionally, a revitalized web presence for the strategic plan will feature a dedicated space for Penn State faculty, staff and students to share their thoughts, engage with the planning process and stay informed.

“The strategic plan needs the expertise, perspectives and insight of our entire community and there will be a variety of ways we will foster the dialogue we need to reflect the strengths and aspirations of Penn State,” Bendapudi said.

Additional information and guidance about unit-level strategic planning will be determined and shared after the institutional plan draft is finalized.

Additional goal leads appointed

Community members who will lead efforts to develop the interdisciplinary research, land-grant impact and transforming health institutional plans were appointed and have begun their work.

Growing interdisciplinary research leads

Increasing land-grant impact leads

  • Justin Aglio, associate vice president for Penn State Outreach
  • Lara Fowler, chief sustainability officer and director for Penn State Sustainability
  • Alicyn Rhoades, vice chancellor and associate dean for research and graduate studies at Penn State Behrend

Transforming health through academic and clinical synergy leads

  • Jennifer Kraschnewski, vice chair for research at Penn State Health and professor of public health sciences and pediatrics at Penn State College of Medicine
  • Scarlett Miller, professor of industrial engineering and mechanical engineering
  • Robert Sainburg, Dorothy F. and J. Lloyd Huck Distinguished Chair in Kinesiology and Neurology
  • Candice Maenza, managing director and clinical scientist, Neuromechanics in Translational Rehabilitation Program

In addition, Interim Executive Vice President and Provost Tracy Langkilde has joined the strategic planning executive committee.

Community members are encouraged to visit the Strategic Plan web presence for the latest updates.

Last Updated June 18, 2024