Chambers Building renovations progressing

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Following a $1 million pledge from Gay and Bill Krause in spring 2016, the College of Education began construction on a new learning space in Chambers Building.

Located on the second floor of Chambers, the Krause Learning Space will mirror the innovative architectural design of the other recently renovated spaces, including the Social Studies Lab and Krause Innovation Studio. Because of the specialized nature of certain features, crews have run into delays, moving the estimated finish date to mid-July. Upon completion, the college will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially unveil the new space.

In order to complete the renovations at the south end of Chambers, a renovation of the bridges also is planned with construction scheduled for this summer. These bridges link the north faculty-oriented portion of Chambers with the future Krause Learning Space and will feature lounge space and work bars. At this time, crews also will modify staircase spindles and renovate first-floor restrooms to make them ADA-compliant.

Due to the addition of the new learning space, the college lost the use of a conference room. To make up for the lost space, a new conference room currently is being created in the Advising and Certification Center. The room will be available for use by the entire college and is scheduled to be completed before the end of the spring semester.

For more information about current renovations and their impact on the college, contact Brandy Wood, facilities coordinator, at

Last Updated January 18, 2017