Smeal College of Business

Hammond named Penn State Smeal 2024 ethics education award recipient

Chelsea Hammond, associate teaching professor of marketing, has been named the 2024 Excellence in Business Ethics Education award recipient.  Credit: Graphic by Vilma ShuAll Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.  — Penn State Smeal College of Business Associate Teaching Professor of Marketing Chelsea Hammond has been awarded the 2024 Excellence in Business Ethics Education Award, recognizing her outstanding contributions to integrating business ethics and social responsibility into the curriculum at Smeal. 

Sponsored by the Linda Treviño Excellence in Business Ethics Program Fund Endowment and presented by the Tarriff Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, this annual award honors a faculty member who effectively integrates business ethics and social responsibilities in their undergraduate or graduate courses, equipping Smeal students for the business world. 

Hammond’s teaching integrates ethics into her curriculum and tracks student development in the knowledge and skills necessary for ethical leadership throughout Smeal’s marketing programs. Her efforts have been pivotal in continuing the momentum needed for college-wide enhancements in this critical area. 

The award committee, comprising academic and business leaders as well as a recent Smeal alumna, highlighted Hammond’s dedication to ethical data management and integrity in research. 

“The availability and ubiquitous use of data are critical topics today in business. In one of the graduate-level courses, MKTG 815, Hammond discussed data accuracy, data integrity and data visualization within the context of business ethics and social responsibility. Our students must learn the importance of ethical data management when pursuing a business degree at Smeal,” one committee member said. 

Another committee member emphasized Hammond’s ethical standards. 

"I am particularly impressed by Chelsea's dedication to integrity in research and data. STEM methods have been increasingly vital to business insights across many disciplines. It is essential for future business leaders to have technical marketing skills and the skills to ethically communicate insights to non-technical audiences and implement the insights for many stakeholders,” they said. “Using interpersonal and informational power responsibly will serve students well in their (and our) future. I commend and endorse Hammond for communicating this from the beginning of the learning journey." 

The award includes a financial honorarium. Hammond will also be asked to serve on the selection committee for the upcoming academic year and will be invited to share her achievements with other faculty and champions of the Tarriff Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. 

The Excellence in Business Ethics Education Award was created by an endowment made by Frederik and Sonja Wenzel. Frederik is an alumnus of the Penn State Smeal College of Business and, along with his wife, established the Linda Treviño Excellence in Business Ethics Program Fund Endowment in honor of Linda Treviño, distinguished professor of organizational behavior and ethics in the Smeal College of Business. Starting with her 1986 conceptual article proposing a model of ethical decision-making in organizations, her research on the management of ethical conduct in organizations is widely cited and is known internationally. 

Last Updated June 6, 2024
