Editor’s note: The article on which this story is based has been retracted. Following established research integrity processes conducted by Penn State, this paper was retracted by the journal.
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A pond in summer can reveal more about a fish than a pond in winter. The fish living in icy conditions might remain still enough to study its scales, but to understand how the fish swims and behaves, it needs to freely move in three dimensions. The same holds true for analyzing how biological items, such as viruses, move in the human body, according to a research team led by Deb Kelly, Huck Chair in Molecular Biophysics and professor of biomedical engineering at Penn State, who has used advanced electron microscopy (EM) technology to see how human viruses move in high resolution in a near-native environment. The visualization technique could lead to improved understanding of how vaccine candidates and treatments behave and function as they interact with target cells, Kelly said.
In an effort to expand the tools scientists have to study the microscopic world, researchers recorded live, 20-second-long movies of human viruses floating in liquid at near-atomic detail in an electron microscope. The same degree of information, immediately available as they record, may take up to 24 hours to acquire using traditional static imaging methods. Their approach and results were made available online July 24 in Advanced Materials.
“The challenge remained to view biological materials in dynamic systems that reflects their authentic performance in the body,” said Kelly, who also directs the Penn State Center for Structural Oncology. “Our results show new structures and active insights of human viruses contained in minute volumes of liquid — the same size as respiratory droplets that spread SARS-CoV-2.”