Penn State Sustainability

Tim Palmer visits as part of the Sustainability Showcase Speaker Series

Tim Palmer poses with students during a Penn State University Park classroom visit. The photographer and author later gave a book talk and signed books as part of the Sustainability Showcase Speaker Series hosted by Penn State Sustainability. Credit: Jake Hohner. All Rights Reserved.. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Sustainability welcomed photographer, author and Penn State alumnus Tim Palmer as its first speaker of the fall 2024 Sustainability Showcase Speaker Series. On Sept. 18, virtually and at Foster Auditorium in Paterno Library, Palmer presented a public book talk and signing where he discussed his latest book, "Seek Higher Ground: The Natural Solution to Our Flooding Crisis."

Palmer's book explores the legacy of flooding in America, taking a fresh look at the emerging climatic, economic, and ecological realities of our rivers and communities. Through historical narrative, rigorous reporting, and decades of vivid personal experience, Palmer details how our society's approach to flood control has been infamously inadequate and chronically counterproductive. He builds a powerful argument for both the protection of floodplain open space and for programs that help people voluntarily relocate their homes away from high-water hazards.  

Following Palmer's talk, SustainPSU distributed handbills with more information and opportunities for students and community members. These informational resource guides provide attendees with information about how other communities are addressing the flood crisis and how they can participate in finding solutions.

The keynote featured flexible attendance options so attendees could participate in person or virtually. SustainPSU is committed to ensuring the accessibility of the Sustainable Showcase Speaker Series through virtual participation.

One virtual attendee stated, "I wanted to let you know that I thought [Tim Palmer's] keynote was excellent, and [I] so appreciate your [Penn State Sustainability] making it available electronically!"

Next, SustainPSU's Sustainability Showcase Speaker Series will introduce Diane Burke, a research-based artist-activist, for a gallery talk and roundtable discussion with the Penn State community. She's visiting campus on Thursday, Oct. 3, at 6 p.m. at the Palmer Art Museum. Burke's work, "Unprecedented," is currently on display at the Palmer Art Museum in the "MADE IN PA" exhibition.

This event partnered with Penn State Bookstore, Penn State University Library, and EcoAction. For more information about the events or co-sponsoring future events, contact Grant Rowe, public programming coordinator for Penn State Sustainability, at

Last Updated September 24, 2024
