Office of Undergraduate Education

Two students earn Outstanding Guided Study Group Leader awards

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Learning has announced the recipients of the Outstanding Guided Study Group Leader Award for the fall 2024 academic semester. The recipients are Jasmine Manning and Molly Otterson. Each received a certificate of recognition and a stipend of $500.

The annual award recognizes study group leaders’ commitment to creating and sustaining a welcoming and academically supportive learning community for their assigned course. Working closely with course instructors and routinely attending class sessions, study group leaders’ efforts include hosting drop-in study sessions in which they review course materials, help students hone their problem-solving skills and stimulate a challenging and collaborative learning environment. Both of this semester’s recipients exemplify the award criteria, and their dedication is supported by comments from their nominators.

Lori Stepan, teaching professor of chemistry and instructor for CHEM 112, nominated Jasmine Manning for her willingness to go above and beyond the expectations of a GSG Leader. Manning, a junior studying premedicine, has shown exemplary skills in leading CHEM 112 study groups for a third semester. Stepan described Manning as a passionate and confident GSG leader with impressive leadership skills who serves as a role model and mentor to the students and the educational team of teaching assistants (TAs) and learning assistants (LAs). Stepan also noted that Manning is professional, intelligent and reliable while carrying out her responsibilities in an exemplary manner.

Jasmine Manning is a junior studying premedicine. Credit: Provided. All Rights Reserved.

Stepan shared how Manning knows the material so well that she periodically gives presentations to multiple sections of 250 students and creates materials to help students practice, leading Stepan to proclaim that Manning is a superb GSG leader and glad that she is on her team. Students shared that Manning is the reason they are doing well in the course as they find her approachable and friendly while providing clear explanations and help with their questions. Students also said that they are happy to attend her GSG sessions and that they provide the structure that allows them to excel in this challenging course. 

Manning said she was honored and grateful to receive this award. She said she loves being a GSG leader for CHEM 112 at Penn State as it has been an amazing experience to help so many of her peers. Even with her strenuous academic path of majoring in premed with a minor in neuroscience, she plans on returning as a leader up until her graduation because she finds it so extremely gratifying.

Molly Otterson, GSG leader for MATH 34, received one of the most complimentary nominations ever from her instructor, Fernanda Bonafini, teaching professor of mathematics. She said that Otterson embodies the qualities of an outstanding GSG Leader through her academic excellence, exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive and collaborative learning environment. Bonafini shared how Otterson consistently approaches her leader role with integrity, modeling diligence with a strong work ethic that inspires students to strive for their best.  

Molly Otterson is a sophomore studying kinesiology. Credit: Provided. All Rights Reserved.

Otterson said she approaches her role with dedication and professionalism by promoting collaborative learning, fostering group problem-solving and discussion and encouraging active participation that makes students feel welcome and engaged while enhancing their understanding of the course content. Students shared how helpful they find Otterson’s ability to make challenging material approachable and understandable. The students also consistently emphasized Otterson’s patience, clarity and ability to create a welcoming and supportive learning environment that has had a significant impact on their confidence and performance in MATH 34. 

Bonafini was instrumental in convincing GSG managers to hire Otterson as a first-year student and seeing her earn this Outstanding Leader Award validates that endorsement. Otterson said she was amazed, honored and thrilled to be the recipient of this award while being thankful for all of the support and encouragement she has received. She acknowledged how taking on a leadership role as a first-year student, helping peer students who were older than her, allowed her to see that leadership is not based on age or superiority, but by a commitment and motivation to guide and assist others. She said she feels that the leadership and organizational skills that this job provides, along with improving her patience and collaboration deftness, will enable her to continue to thrive during her undergraduate days while majoring in kinesiology and beyond. 

Penn State Learning extends its congratulations to these outstanding GSG leaders.

Additional information about the award, which is funded by philanthropy, and ways to give to Penn State Learning is available at In addition to providing no-charge Guided Study Groups supporting a wide range of courses, Penn State Learning also provides tutoring in mathematics, world languages, public speaking and writing. 

Last Updated March 19, 2025