
New medical students celebrate their rite of passage: The White Coat Ceremony

149 new students have joined Penn State College of Medicine

Dr. Michael Flanagan, assistant dean for student affairs, presents a white coat to a member of the Entering Class of 2024 at the Penn State College of Medicine White Coat Ceremony, July 19, 2024. Credit: Penn State College of MedicineAll Rights Reserved.

HERSHEY, Pa. — Penn State College of Medicine closed out orientation week for the entering class of 2024 with their long-awaited rite of passage: receiving their first white coat. The College of Medicine’s White Coat Ceremony – a tradition marking the beginning of students’ medical careers – was held on July 19.

Students were cloaked with their first white coat and recited the Hippocratic Oath to commit to learning and practicing medicine with professionalism and compassion. The new learners were also gifted a custom stethoscope engraved with the Penn State lion shield and the words, “We Are Penn State.”

“We’re excited to welcome these new students to our school and community,” said Dr. Erica Friedman, vice dean for educational affairs. “We look forward to learning from each other and together advancing our mission of health equity, community engagement and creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard and welcome.”

The incoming class of 149 students were selected from a pool of 9,382 applicants. The students come to the College of Medicine from more than 20 states and represent almost 90 undergraduate institutions. They have diverse backgrounds with regard to international experience, work, research and service to communities — including speaking 25 languages and volunteering more than 210 hours with local and national service organizations.

Last Updated July 23, 2024