Liberal Arts

Chaiken Scholar embraces liberal arts education to drive change

Serenity Myers plans to pursue a law degree with a focus on civil and human rights advocacy. Credit: Kate Kenealy. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Serenity Myers, a third-year Penn State student double-majoring in African American studies and political science, is using her time in the College of the Liberal Arts to build connections, explore her interests and create meaningful change. As a Chaiken Scholar, she has found a strong sense of community while pursuing opportunities in mentorship, leadership and advocacy.

The Philadelphia native always knew she wanted to study policy, a passion that began in fifth grade when she had her first Black teacher, she said. The teacher’s dedication to sharing the importance of understanding their heritage and what it meant to be Black left a lasting impact on Myers, inspiring her to pursue a career in policy reform.

Growing up, Myers said, her family often described her as stubborn, stern and argumentative, qualities that ultimately led her to pursue a career in law.

“I have a passion for helping people, I have a passion for government, I have a passion for supporting minority groups, so I just found a way to mesh all of those together,” Myers said.

Last summer, Myers was a congressional intern for Rep. Dwight Evans in Philadelphia. Myers received strong support from both her family and Penn State faculty, which played a pivotal role in landing the position. While based in the district office, Myers frequently visited the Washington, D.C., office.

“I was encountering constituents firsthand. People were coming in with issues, and I was serving as the liaison for the different federal departments. If someone came in with a passport or immigration issue, I was able to submit those forms to these different federal agencies to serve as the middleman to be a face for the constituents,” Myers said.

Beyond assisting constituents, Myers took an active role in community outreach programs, including back-to-school drives and rehabilitation center visits. She, along with other congressional aides from the office, tabled at different events to educate community members about available federal assistance programs.

One of her proudest accomplishments during the internship, she said, was reviving the Youth Advisory Council, a program designed to engage young people in civic leadership. Collaborating with senators from Pennsylvania and a representative from California, Myers gathered insights and best practices to help relaunch the initiative.

“I met with different people to learn what strategies worked for them and shared my own ideas on how to improve the program,” Myers said. “It was exciting to help Congressman Evans bring it back to his office.”

Myers’ experience reinforced the importance of understanding government operations at every level. She also appreciated the mentorship she received from colleagues who encouraged her law career aspirations.

“I was very open to hearing about my co-workers’ paths — where they went to college, what they studied — and it showed me how valuable it is to understand government from the ground up,” Myers said.

Myers credits her studies in African American studies and political science in the College of the Liberal Arts with helping her approach policy through both a historical and strategic lens.

“My majors give me a deeper understanding of the systemic issues that shape our laws and policies,” Myers said. “African American studies provides the historical context, while political science helps me navigate the structures in place today. Together, they give me the tools to be an effective advocate.”

As a Chaiken Scholar, Myers described the Liberal Arts Chaiken Center for Student Success as both a “community” and a “comfort spot.” Even three years later, she remains in touch with her fellow Chaiken Scholar classmates from her section of LA 083 First-Year Seminar in the Liberal Arts. She spoke fondly of the welcoming and genuine people she encountered in the course.

“Being a Chaiken Scholar provides me with another community because as a college student, especially at such a big university, you want to find different spots where you belong,” Myers said. “I feel like the Chaiken Center is somewhere where I can just pop in and connect with Chaiken Scholars and other students alike.”

Serenity Myers (right) attended the Chaiken Scholars Reception in fall 2024 to meet Gene and Roz Chaiken (center). Credit: Kate Kenealy. All Rights Reserved.

Myers said her connection to the College of the Liberal Arts is deeply tied to the Chaiken Center, a place she credits with enhancing her experience within the college.

“The Chaiken Center has so many resources that other colleges don’t have, so I really lucked out with being in the College of the Liberal Arts and also being a Chaiken Scholar.”

Myers described her overall experience as a Liberal Arts student as welcoming and said she enjoyed the variety of resources within the college and the overall sense of exploration.

“It’s very welcoming in a sense that you don’t have to be one dimensional, which I think is very important for students,” Myers said. “You have the world in your hands when you’re a College of the Liberal Arts student.”

Another organization that Myers considers a community is BLUEPrint Peer Mentoring. Having been involved with the program since her first year as a mentee, Myers has now spent two years giving back as a mentor.

“BLUEPrint is made for first-year students and change-of-campus students, and it really helped me figure out where I belonged at Penn State, a Predominantly White Institution, as a Black person,” Myers said.

Myers reflected on how BLUEPrint played a crucial role in her transition to a large university, particularly coming from a small performing arts high school.

“I was able to meet up with people who shared the same discomfort about being in a big university, and my mentor helped me gauge different situations because she had been through everything already. I enjoy being that mentor to other people now,” Myers said.

In addition to her academic and mentorship roles, Myers is vice president of the BLK Elites Dance Company, a team she has been a part of since her first year at Penn State.

“Going into my senior year, I just like looking back on how the team has grown since I’ve been here,” Myers said. “Even though it’s been going on the whole time I’ve been here, it’s still a fairly new team, but it’s special seeing the different faces that have come in and watching people grow as leaders.”

For Myers, the BLK Elites Dance Company is more than just a team — it’s a family.

“Even though it’s just dance, there’s still a lot that you learn about people and yourself while you’re doing this because art is something that helps you learn about yourself,” Myers said. “I’ve learned a lot about myself, and I’ve learned a lot about the people I dance with.”

Myers is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. She said the sorority’s core principles of sisterhood, scholarship, service and social action were what drove her interest in the organization.

“The emphasis on academic excellence and assistance to those in need were values that I obtained prior to membership, but I now have the chance to participate on a larger scale,” Myers said.

After graduation, Myers said, she plans to pursue a law degree with a focus on civil and human rights advocacy. She also intends to take a gap year, using the time to study abroad and gain valuable experiences before beginning her legal studies.

Last Updated March 25, 2025
