CENTER VALLEY, Pa. — Five years ago, hundreds of Penn State Lehigh Valley supporters came together to celebrate the early accomplishments of a University-wide campaign, "A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence," and officially launch efforts in the Lehigh Valley. On June 30 of this year, “A Greater Penn State” concluded, breaking University records.
Back in 2017, the campus campaign effort was immediately jumpstarted by former PPL Corporation CEO Bill Spence, class of 1979, who, along with his wife, Denise, made a significant contribution — one of many made by the couple over the course of ”A Greater Penn State.” At the kickoff event, Spence shared his motivation, acknowledging the impact Penn State had on his life and his desire to ensure that students in the region had the same opportunity.
Penn State Lehigh Valley Chancellor Tina Q. Richardson also defined her vision for the campus, which included the addition of an organic chemistry lab, a LaunchBox hub for innovation to support next generation entrepreneurs and the cultivation of Collective Impact Scholarships for local students.
On September 19, the Penn State Lehigh Valley community came together again to mark the close of the campaign and thank its many donors for helping the campus to meet or surpass every financial and strategic objective.
“I’m proud to share that as a university, we raised nearly $2.2 billion, in addition to exceeding our campus campaign goal,” said Shane McGee, chair of the Penn State Lehigh Valley advisory board and campaign co-chair. “We raised more than $3.46 million from over 1,000 distinct donors on this campus alone — and despite the pandemic.”
McGee went on to thank his co-chair, Howard Kulp, who was unable to attend, joking that though they held the same title, he was definitely co-chair to Kulp. “Howard’s been through multiple campaigns, was the chair [for our campus in] the previous campaign and knows Penn State Lehigh Valley’s friend base, alumni base, the Valley’s businesses and this campus. He’s an invaluable asset.”
“I’d also like to mention Kate Ginnard, who joined the campaign as the development director in the last phase,” McGee said. “If you look at the monthly donation totals on a graph, our donations look like the upswing of a hockey stick as soon as she started.”