
The Penn State United Way campaign remains a critical resource for our community

A message from Penn State President Eric Barron, Vice President for Outreach Tracey Huston and Earth and Mineral Sciences Dean Lee Kump

Supporting the Penn State United Way campaign is one the simplest and most effective ways you can make an impact here in Centre County. Visit to learn how you can give, volunteer and Live United.  Credit: Provided courtesy of the Centre County United Way. All Rights Reserved.

Each year, Penn State designates the Centre County United Way as the University’s charity of choice, helping to fund vital programs that directly benefit and support our community.

For more than four decades, the University has proudly helped the United Way serve our colleagues, friends and neighbors, with more than 40% of the annual dollars raised for the Centre County United Way coming from the Penn State United Way campaign.

Last year, as our world grappled with the coronavirus pandemic, we told you the Penn State United Way campaign was more important than ever before, and you answered the call. Our campaign directly sustained United Way partner agencies who are feeding neighbors who are facing food insecurity, supporting colleagues and loved ones grappling with their mental health and helping to keep families facing eviction to stay in their homes.

This year, we ask for your continued support. The fact remains: The Penn State United Way Campaign is a critical resource for our Centre County community as we face global challenges and uncertainty. And in these trying times, supporting the United Way campaign is one of the simplest and most effective ways you can help make a difference.

The Centre County United Way touches many lives and has broad reach, working across the fields of health, education and financial stability to meet a wide variety of needs. Every year, one in three Centre County residents benefits from the resources provided by one of the United Way’s 26 partner agencies.

Every dollar makes a difference. Every donation can change a life.

Every dollar donated through the Penn State United Way campaign stays right here in Centre County and is invested in proven programs that benefit the greater good. A donation of only $5 can provide school supplies for a child in need for a week– and turning that gift into a monthly pledge makes the impact that much greater. 

A central part of Penn State’s foundational mission is to enrich, empower and support our fellow Pennsylvanians by creating a positive impact across our commonwealth. Our continual support for the Centre County United Way is an extension of that commitment.

As representatives of Penn State, we are proud to continue this tradition of helping the Centre County United Way empower families and change lives.

Please join us in supporting the Penn State United Way campaign. Visit to learn how you can give, volunteer and Live United.


Eric J. Barron, Penn State president

Tracey Huston, vice president for Outreach and chair of the 2021-22 Penn State United Way campaign

Lee Kump, dean of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and Penn State United Way campaign vice-chair

Last Updated October 26, 2021