
Things to Do at Penn State Harrisburg: March 3-9

A selection of events happening around the college

Students dance at the 2024 Holi - Festival of Colors celebration. Credit: Jenny Guo / Penn State. Creative Commons

MIDDLETOWN, Pa. — The following is a collection of events happening around Penn State Harrisburg next week.


Lady Brion – Spoken word performance5:30-6:30 p.m., March 4, Kulkarni Theatre, Student Enrichment Center. A unique exhibition showcasing the works of talented spoken word artist Lady Brion, who describes herself as “an artivist, using my artistic talent to resist and struggle against injustice and oppression.” Her themes include women’s empowerment, the Black experience and identity.

Holi – Festival of Colors!6:30-9 p.m., March 7, Events Room 210, Capital Union Building. Learn about the cultural significance of Holi, with food, music, and dance!

In-person exhibits (ongoing)

Women as Food: An Exhibition on Depictions of Women as Edible ObjectsMarch 3 through April 29, third floor, Madlyn L. Hanes Library. Featuring original color postcards from the archives' largest collection, this exhibition explores and challenges historical stereotypes of women as chickens, peaches, sweets, and other food puns as highlighted in printed ephemera from the Alice Marshall Women's History Collection. The exhibition was curated by Payton Becker, archives graduate student assistant and American studies doctoral student at Penn State Harrisburg. It can be viewed when the library is open. For more information, please contact Heidi Abbey Moyer, archivist and humanities reference librarian (hna2@psu.edu).

The Classroom and Beyond: Student Life at Penn State HarrisburgThrough August 2025, first floor, Madlyn L. Hanes Library. This exhibit celebrates students and the evolution of student life at Penn State Harrisburg, including materials from the College History Archives. "The Classroom and Beyond," features over 30 unique items that date from the mid-1960s to the present, organized in seven different categories: academics, alumni, athletics, international students, student clubs, student publications, and the Harrisburg Rock Festival, which was a campus tradition from 1970 until 1978. 

Archives and Special Collections Greatest HitsThrough August 2025, third floor Reading Room, Madlyn L. Hanes Library. From the Alice K. Marshall Women's History Collection to the Three Mile Island Collection, the "Greatest Hits" showcases a wide range of materials that are on display in the Reading Room of Archives and Special Collections. It is available for viewing whenever the archives is open (Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) and by appointment.

State of Deception: The Power of Nazi PropagandaThrough August 2025, first floor Linda Schwab Holocaust Gallery and Reading Room, Madlyn L. Hanes Library. In partnership with the Penn State Harrisburg Center for Holocaust and Jewish Studies and the Penn State Harrisburg School of Humanities, this poster exhibition is based on the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's exhibition by the same name, which was produced in collaboration with the Holocaust and United Nations Outreach Program. The posters encourage viewers to "think about what propaganda is, how it works, and how to respond when it aims to divide people and promote violence," according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Last Updated February 28, 2025