Dhara Thakkar interned at Oracle, where she worked on Primavera Analytics, the company's project portfolio management software solution for construction and engineering-related projects.
A student in the master of professional studies in data analytics program, Thakkar relied heavily on her data mining and predictive analytics skills and her knowledge of R (a statistical programing language) to make enhancements to the software.
“I used skills that I learned at Penn State to uncover trends in Primavera Analytics, discover the root causes of issues, and improve strategic and project-level decision making,” she said. “With the help of R and Oracle Business Intelligence, I worked on problems surrounding project success and performance, resource parings, and outliers.”
Using a variety of data sources, Thakkar implemented machine learning techniques to determine the success of future projects. She developed an R script to quickly identify cost and resource outliers in large amounts of data — improving the overall customer experience. To provide users with an ideal working environment, she created a query that provides the optimal combination of resources based on individual need.
While Thakkar learned a lot about technology, she also gained important business skills, including the collaboration, time management, and mentorship.
“I gained valuable experience by working in a corporate environment,” she said. “I learned how to be a team player, manage multiple tasks at one time, and assist my team when they needed help.”
At Oracle, Thakkar applied her existing talents to a real-life environment, resulting in a new understanding of how technology applies to a business setting. Now enrolled in the data analytics program’s capstone course, she feels more self-assured when faced with challenges.
“I felt more confident going into the fall semester,” added Thakkar. “Prior to Oracle, I had only used R in one subject. My internship allowed me to apply that knowledge to real-world problems, think differently, and ask questions. It truly enhanced the skills I acquired from Penn State and made me more comfortable with technology.”
Shewta Tiwari, master of professional studies in data analytics, Wex