Earth and Mineral Sciences

Jack Kaye, NASA associate director, research, to give meteorology colloquium talk

Jack Kaye, associate director for research of the Earth Science Division within NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Credit: Jack Kaye. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Jack Kaye, associate director for research at NASA, is the speaker for the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science’s colloquium scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13, in 112 Walker Building on the University Park campus. He will give the talk “Integration of Vantage Points, Programs, and Approaches for Space-Based Earth Remote Sensing.” Refreshments will be served just after the colloquium in the Joel N. Myers Weather Center. Talk is free and open to the public.

“The vantage point of space provides a way to look at the Earth globally, with the ability to observe Earth’s interacting components of air, water, land and ice, and both naturally occurring and human-induced processes,” Kaye said. “It lets us look at variability on a broad range of spatial and temporal scales and given the decades of accomplishments, has allowed us to characterize and document Earth system variability on time scales from minutes to decades. The size and complexity of the Earth mean that no one nation, program, vantage point or observing technique can make all the needed observations to understand Earth’s recent evolution and provide needed information to support prediction about its future evolution. Integration across vantage points of space, airborne and surface is important given their complementary nature as well as supporting calibration and validation activities for current and future missions.”

Kaye will present a review of how NASA’s Earth Science Division integrates across vantage points, observing programs, and observing approaches, with recent examples provided.

Jack Kaye currently serves as associate director for research of the Earth Science Division within NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. He has been a member of the Senior Executive Service since 1999, managing NASA’s Earth Science Research Program. As associate director for research, Kaye is responsible for the research and data analysis programs for Earth System Science, covering the broad spectrum of scientific disciplines that constitute it.

Visit the website for more information about the colloquia series.

Last Updated November 12, 2024
