Earth and Mineral Sciences

EarthTalks: Rob Altenburg to discuss solar policy and politics in Pa.

Rob Altenburg, director of the PennFuture Energy Center, will present "Solar Policy and Politics in Pennsylvania" on Oct. 3. Credit: PennFuture. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — While there is little doubt that a significant expansion of solar generation in Pennsylvania is technically and economically achievable, policies to drive this transition have struggled to gain traction. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Finding Pennsylvania’s Solar Future Project — a multi-year effort engaging more than 300 stakeholders — has identified key policy measures to drive this transition.

Rob Altenburg, director of the PennFuture Energy Center, will deliver the talk "Solar Policy and Politics in Pennsylvania" at 4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 3. The talk, which is free and open to the public, takes place in 112 Walker Building.

Altenburg’s talk is part of the fall 2022 EESI EarthTalks series, “Exploring the Multiple Dimensions of Solar Energy.” Using both a local and global scope, the series addresses the latest perspectives on policies, environmental management, and the technological advancements towards the dual use, and social and cultural implications of solar energy. For more information about the fall 2022 series, visit the EarthTalks web page.

The EESI EarthTalks series is supported by Penn State’s Earth and Environmental Systems Institute. Talks are also available via Zoom. Visit the fall 2022 website to learn more.

Last Updated September 28, 2022
