
Penn State DuBois IDREAM team participates in summer institute on equity

Members of the IDREAM team at Penn State DuBois who participated in the summer institute on equity in the academic experience. From left to right, Diana Kreydt, student advocacy specialist, Selena Price, lecturer in criminal justice, Jackie Atkins, assistant teaching professor in English, Brittany Station, assistant director of student engagement and Jungwoo Ryoo, chancellor and chief academic officer. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

DuBOIS, Pa. — The IDREAM team at Penn State DuBois recently participated in the 2023 summer institute on equity in the academic experience, coordinated by Georgetown University and the American Talent Initiative (ATI) and hosted regionally by Penn State Harrisburg. The summer institute for equity in the academic experience is an institute dedicated to work and working together on equity plans. The motto of the institute is “come with a goal, leave with a plan.” Each institution comes with a goal that they would like to achieve and everyone in attendance helps them devise a plan to achieve those goals.

The three-day institute held in hybrid style, both in person and virtually, aimed to help the teams from each of the campuses in attendance with advancing their equity efforts. With over 55 institutions taking part, including 18 from the Penn State system, each group received unique input from other attendees based on their own experiences.

"I am thankful for and proud of our IDREAM Team actively engaging in the nationwide equity efforts in the academia through the Summer Institute,” said Jungwoo Ryoo, Penn State DuBois chancellor and chief academic officer. “The encouragement from Roderick Lee, associate professor of information systems at Penn State Harrisburg and a member of the ATI Summer Institute Leadership Advisory Board, was instrumental in our participation this year. I am excited to have the equity goals for our campus this coming year, thanks to the collaborative work through this excellent opportunity. I encourage our campus community to actively engage in accomplishing these goals through active participation in our IDREAM Team."

Through presentations and work sessions over the three-day period, those in attendance gained valuable insight and learned ways in which they can work better with equity and improve inclusion in their organization, especially when aiming for better student equity.

Members of the IDREAM team at Penn State DuBois who participated in the institute included:

  • Jackie Atkins, assistant teaching professor in English
  • Jessica Clontz, assistant teaching professor in human development and family studies
  • Marly Doty, assistant teaching professor in human development and family studies
  • Diana Kreydt, student advocacy specialist
  • Selena Price, lecturer in criminal justice
  • Jungwoo Ryoo, chancellor and chief academic officer
  • Brittany Stanton, assistant director of student engagement

On the final day of the institute, the culmination of the event saw each group give a presentation on one challenge they have that is related to their equity plan. In their presentation, the IDREAM team highlighted details of the campus and what the group has already completed in their equity plan. They also highlighted some of their future plans, both for the upcoming academic year and beyond, including developing more campus and community engagement in several ways. This includes a welcome packet for new students and staff that promotes the community, developing transportation plans so students can easily access the entire community, and bringing the community in for several events, such as the art show that took place in February. Feedback was then given by other institutions observing the presentation, which gave the IDREAM team valuable insight into how they could potentially solve some of the challenges they have.

“The 2023 Summer Institute solidified that our campus is on the right track when promoting DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) and encouraged us to keep up the good work,” said Selena Price, lecturer in criminal justice. “It was also nice to see all of the participation amongst numerous universities and colleges.”

In 2020, the IDREAM team was created, which was reimagined from the original campus diversity team through an intensive needs assessment and campus community survey. IDREAM stands for:

  • Inclusion
  • Diversity
  • Racial equality
  • Equity
  • Accountability and awareness
  • Multiculturalism

Throughout its active time, the IDREAM team has used thoughtful planning to position itself to best support students, faculty and staff at Penn State DuBois, as well as the surrounding communities that it serves. Members of the community are encouraged to watch for information on events being hosted by Penn State DuBois as part of the IDREAM team’s community involvement efforts.

Community members who are interested in getting involved with the IDREAM team through an event idea are encouraged to contact Selena Price through email here.

Last Updated June 19, 2023