
Penn State DuBois to host multi-talented performer Rob Thomas on Nov. 8

Didge Evolution’s Rob Thomas plays a didgeridoo. Thomas will perform at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 8, in Hiller Auditorium at Penn State DuBois. The free event is part of the campus' Diversity, Arts, and Lecture Series. Credit: Didge Evolution. All Rights Reserved.

DuBOIS, Pa. — The Penn State DuBois Office of Student Engagement will welcome students and members of the public to Hiller Auditorium on Wednesday, Nov. 8, for a musical, multimedia and scientific adventure, from the birth of the universe to the age of the dinosaurs and to the modern world.

Multi-talented performer Rob Thomas of Didge Evolution will weave didgeridoo world music and awe-inspiring projector visuals into a captivating and interactive program. During the performance, those in attendance will learn how the air we breathe was created, marvel at prehistoric creatures roaming primordial landscapes, explore a mysterious underground plant communication network, observe interactions between different animal species, and learn how to protect the planet Earth.

The show will begin at 7 p.m. There is free admission, and this event is open to the public.

The program is presented by the Penn State DuBois Office of Student Engagement as part of the Diversity, Arts, and Lecture Series. For more information, contact Brittany Stanton, assistant director of student engagement, at blm5191@psu.edu or 814-375-4764.

Click here to learn more about student engagement events at Penn State DuBois that are open to the public.

Last Updated November 2, 2023