
Penn State DuBois to host comedian Pete Dominick on April 19

Pete Dominick Credit: Pete Dominick and standupwithpete.com. All Rights Reserved.

DuBOIS, Pa. — The Penn State DuBois Campus Activities Board and Office of Student Engagement are inviting students and members of the public to join in what will certainly be a hilarious night when Pete Dominick comes to Hiller Auditorium on April 19. His performance will begin at 7 p.m.

Dominick is a podcaster, stand-up comic, speaker, news commentator, environmentalist, husband, and father of two daughters. He has spent years working to educate audiences about how they can live and lead environmentally sustainable lives. His passion and knowledge of the subject matter and his ability to present it in an engaging and lasting way is sure to keep everyone engaged, and likely laughing, throughout the night.

Dominick began his career as a stand-up comic making a name for himself and earning respect in the major leagues of stand-up comedy. He was selected for the coveted gig as the warmup comic for Jon Stewart and "The Daily Show" and then for "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central, where he worked for most of its run. CNN hired him as its "man on the street," which led to him becoming a regular panel commentator, eventually taking the host role of his own CNN show, “What the Week.”

The program is presented by the Penn State DuBois Campus Activities Board and Office of Student Engagement as part of the Diversity, Arts, and Lecture Series. For more information, contact Brittany Stanton, assistant director of student engagement, at blm5191@psu.edu or 814-375-4764.

Last Updated April 17, 2023