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Student 'Tech Tutors' provide technology solutions for students, faculty, staff

Tech Tutors provide walk-in consultations at Pattee Library and Pollock Computer Lab for Penn State students, faculty and staff. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — There are many potential hurdles for Penn State faculty and students as they get into the rhythm of a new academic year. Many aspects of University life are reliant on technology, and there is a group of undergraduate students who can help make sure tech issues do not complicate the start of this year’s classes. 

Those students are Tech Tutors, and they are ready to help any Penn Stater find solutions to daily needs related to University software like Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud, Canvas and Sites. 

Part of Penn State IT Learning and Development, Tech Tutors offer multiple convenient ways to get assistance. Walk-ins are taken at Pattee Library and Pollock Computer Lab, online consultations are available at any location, and one-on-one appointments are available to faculty at University Park.

“Tech Tutors combines the value of helping fellow students, faculty and staff with tooling up their skills and being an on-campus support team that people can rely on,” said Royce Dsouza, a second-year Tech Tutor and Penn State senior. “Some of my favorite experiences are when I teach a client how to use a tool that transforms the way they work with and think of technology.” 

While Tech Tutors offer support on much of the software students and faculty use to complete coursework, they do not cover everything. For help with software like MatLab and Mathematica, or coding languages like Python and SQL, LinkedIn Learning (formerly is the recommended resource. 

“[Our tutors’] goals are to help people solve short-term problems and encourage technical literacy by encouraging self-learning,” said Tech Tutor team lead Dhavani Toprani. “One of the things we emphasize during tutoring sessions is introducing clients to relevant resources to go back to. At a higher level, the goal is to empower the University community to benefit from the technologies available to them.” 

Positions with Tech Tutors may available for the spring 2020 semester. Undergraduate students from any year can apply by inquiring at Applicants are required to have prior technical or tutoring experience. 

The Tech Tutors can be contacted online or via email at


Last Updated August 29, 2019
