Campus Life

Student Affairs to hold 'Finally Unplugged Fest' on April 23

The Finally Unplugged Fest will take place between 2 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. on Friday, April 23, outside the IM Building at University Park. Registration is limited to 250 teams, and students can resister in teams of five through the IM Leagues website. Credit: Jen Lee. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Student Affairs is inviting all University Park students to participate in the Finally Unplugged Fest on Friday, April 23. The Finally Unplugged Fest is an in-person, team-based outdoor event that will take place outside the IM Building. Student teams can engage in a variety of activities, win exciting prizes, be treated to a meal, and leave with a Penn State beach towel. 

The event will adhere to Penn State’s COVID-19 safety protocols for the safety of all participants and staff. All participants and staff are required to wear masks the entire time (except while eating), and individuals and teams will be physically distanced. Sanitizing stations will be available throughout the area that day. Food will be prepackaged and no spectators will be allowed at the event.  

The Finally Unplugged Fest is broken down into five separate 75-minute sessions between 2 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Teams of five students sign up to participate in one of the sessions, and teams rotate through the various contests during their time slot. 

Student teams will participate in a variety of games during the Finally Unplugged Fest, including the Showdown at the Slingshot Saloon, Rootin’ Tootin’ Aim ‘n Shootin’ archery challenge, Pandemic Paint Party, Tremendously Tricky Tower station, and Boss of the Toss Corn Hole Relay (pictured). In accordance with the University's COVID-19 safety protocols, all participants must wear masks and maintain physical distancing.  Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Teams will work together through a series of contests, designed to be both fun and engaging. Participants can test their aim in the Showdown at the Slingshot Saloon and at the Rootin’ Tootin’ Aim ‘n Shootin’ archery challenge. From there, students will join the Pandemic Paint Party before seeing which team can build the tallest tower at the Tremendously Tricky Tower station. Students will wrap-up with a speed test at the Boss of the Toss Corn Hole Relay. 

After teams finish all five events, they are invited to the Park Avenue Recreation Fields for music and a free meal from local vendors. Students also will be able to pick up their free Penn State beach towel at this time.

“Improving weather and the opportunity to engage students in outdoor activities conducted in a manner consistent with public health guidelines encouraged our Campus Recreation colleagues to let loose their full creativity,” said Damon Sims, vice president for Student Affairs. “This event should be a source of fun and release for the students who participate, and I'm grateful to our staff for creating it."

There will be significant prizes available for students to win throughout the Finally Unplugged Fest. Some of the available prizes include Apple MacBooks and iPhones, Beats by Dre headphones, Apple AirPods, a semester’s worth of textbooks, a backyard cornhole game at the president’s house with Dr. Eric Barron, restaurant gifts cards, boat rentals at Stone Valley Recreation Area, and Penn State apparel. Prizes will be awarded randomly and within activities throughout the event.

Registration for the Finally Unplugged Fest is free and open now. Registration is limited to 250 teams, and students can resister in teams of five through the IM Leagues website. Those looking to register will need to have their Penn State ID in order to complete the registration. Penn State University Park students looking for a team or looking for extra players for a partial team can email Campus Recreation, and staff will assist students in creating or joining a team.

On April 23, teams should arrive together 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time in order to complete the check-in process. Check-in will be at the front of the IM Building.

The Finally Unplugged Fest is organized and staffed by Campus Recreation, a unit of Student Affairs. In order to accommodate the event, all Campus Recreation facilities will be closed for recreation activities on Friday, April 23.

For additional information and to stay up-to-date, visit the Finally Unplugged Fest website.

Last Updated April 16, 2021