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Comparative Literature Luncheon to feature lecture by Alan Golding on Oct. 2

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Alan Golding, professor of American literature and poetry and poetics at the University of Louisville, will present “Avant-gardism Against Itself: ‘Conversation’ and the Reader Critic in the Little Review” at 12:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 2, in 102 Kern Building on Penn State’s University Park campus.

Golding earned his bachelor of arts degree from the University of Exeter and his master of arts and doctorate from the University of Chicago. He teaches American literature and poetry and poetics of the long 20th century. He is the author of “From Outlaw to Classic: Canons in American Poetry”and of numerous essays on modernist and contemporary poetry. Current projects include “Writing the New Into History: New American Poetries from The Dial to the Digital” and “Isn’t the Avant-Garde Always Pedagogical,” a book on experimental poetics and pedagogy. He co-edits the Iowa Series on Contemporary North American Poetry and Synapse, a series dedicated to experimental critical approaches to poetics.

This event is a part of the Comparative Literature Luncheon lecture series, a weekly, informal lunchtime gathering of students, faculty and other members of the University community. Each week the event begins at 12:15 p.m. — coffee, tea and light lunch fare are provided. At 12:30 p.m. there will be a presentation, by a visitor or a local speaker, on a topic related to any humanities discipline. All students, faculty, colleagues and friends are welcome. For a full list of Comparative Literature lunches, visit

The event is sponsored by the Department of Comparative Literature and the Center for Global Studies.      

Last Updated September 28, 2017