Campus Life

Charging stations installed in University Libraries

The University Libraries has installed free charging stations throughout its libraries on University Park campus. Each station comes with adapters to fuel up almost any type of mobile device. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Charging stations for phones and mobile devices have been installed in Pattee Library, in the Leisure Reading Room, News and Microforms Library and three wall-mounted stations in the Knowledge Commons; in Paterno Library, in student lounges floors 2, 3 and 4; the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library, 111 Stuckeman Family Building; and the Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Laboratory. The Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Building, also provides charging stations.

Each station includes adapters for up to 8 devices, including 30-pin and Lightning connectors for iPhones, iPads and iPods, and micro- and mini-USB adapters.

For more information or if you anticipate needing accessibility accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact the Commons Services desk at 814-865-5429.

Last Updated October 6, 2014