Brandywine: What interested you in teaching at Brandywine?
Eleftherakis: I was interested in Penn State Brandywine because of its student-centered philosophy with its small class sizes, and its values. I prefer to have small classes instead of large in huge auditoriums, where you do your lecture and most of your students will never get to know you. I like to be close to my students, know them personally, and understand their problems and specific individual needs, so I can offer them the best learning experience possible. I believed that you could do this at Brandywine (and I am glad that I was right, Brandywine is a great place to work and study), while at the same time you enjoy being a member of a big university with a land-grant mission. That’s a unique combination that allows you to focus to your students but at the same time your efforts to have a significant impact to the wider society.
Brandywine: What is your background and experience?
Eleftherakis: I studied physics initially, and then I did a master’s and a Ph.D. in computer science. I’ve known I wanted to teach since I was 11 years old — I had to help teach a second-grade class while the teacher was substituting for another class. It was a milestone in my life that made me want to continue teaching. I liked challenges, so teaching in a high school or something similar was not enough of a challenge for me, so I turned to higher education. From there, I earned my master’s and Ph.D. After that, I devoted my whole professional life to my academic career, my research, and my students.
Brandywine: What has been one of your most challenging experiences, and how did you overcome it?
Eleftherakis: Life is full of challenges overall. As a professor, I’ve been trying to build an environment that offers diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Early in my career in computer science, I had a very pivotal experience that changed my way of thinking about science. I had a cohort that it was just male with no women at all. That was a big problem for the discipline, and I realized that it was more or less the same in the entire science discipline. All people should be represented in science.
Computer science has more career opportunities that people don’t realize – with knowledge in computer science you could work anywhere, in health sector, banking, psychology, archaeology, art, etc. We are collaborating with everyone, and there should be a balance. We should have everyone to be represented in our field in order to make the right decisions and to create the right designs towards an inclusive society.
For me, the important thing is equity. I treat everyone in the same way. To create an equal environment, we have to allow everyone to be part of it and embrace diversity. These principles have been guiding me for the last 15 years, and I joined the Association of Computing Machinery for Women (ACM-W) as a result. ACM-W is a branch of ACM, the largest computer society in the world. ACM-W focuses on helping women enter the computer science field.
I joined ACM while I was living in Europe, and I served several roles there. I was the head of the ACM European Council of Chapter Leaders always having a focus in supporting women. I assisted in organizing a conference every year to celebrate women in computing. I enjoyed being part of almost all of them, and I never experienced such an enthusiasm anywhere before. I had the honor to meet and work with extremely passionate and capable people like Reyyan Ayfer, Ruth Lennon and Rukiye Altin, among many other amazing volunteers.
Overall, I feel I did the best I could to encourage and motivate women to join computer science and I will never stop until every gender will be equally represented in computer science. I want all of us to have equal opportunities to do what we’re passionate about. I believe that innovation and creativity come from diversity, and I like to see diversity in my classroom.