MEDIA, Pa. — The Delaware Valley Christian Church (DVCC) incorporates the Christian moral “love thy neighbor” in its partnership with Penn State Brandywine. From helping students move into Orchard Hall to making monthly donations to the University’s food pantry and treating campus staff to appreciation breakfasts every year, the DVCC shows how much it deeply cares to help its local community.
Located across the street from Brandywine, DVCC’s partnership with Brandywine began in the 1970s. At the beginning of the partnership, Brandywine consisted of just one building, and the church offered its space to use as classrooms. The partnership continued into the 2000s; DVCC guided the Nittany Christian Fellowship, a student club on campus.
Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the partnership came to a halt. As restrictions were relaxed, church elder David Shellenbarger decided the partnership needed a reset.
“We elders decided that the partnership needed to start over again,” Shellenbarger said. “We started to examine our mission statement, which is ‘love God, love people,’ and we took into consideration what that meant to us.
“We wanted to focus on serving our community, especially the Brandywine community.”
From there, Shellenbarger and DVCC began working with Brandywine closely, specifically with the Center for Social Impact.
“I talked with the former Rosenberg Director of the Center for Social Impact Vippy Yee to see what the church could do to help, and she let me know about the food pantry,” he recalled. “Around that same time, I had gotten a letter from former Penn State University President Eric Barron, who mentioned there was a food shortage on all campuses. With all of this combined, I knew the church needed to do something to help.”