Agricultural Sciences

Penn State Extension launches spotted lanternfly survey for the 2023 season

Survey allows real-time tracking of spotted lanternfly based on responses from farmers and vineyard owners

An online survey and associated map will help vineyard owners, farmers, researchers and extension educators track infestations of spotted lanternflies, such as these adults feeding on grape vines. Credit: Erica Smyers / Penn State. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Penn State Extension Grape and Wine Team is calling on farmers and vineyard owners in the mid-Atlantic region to participate in a survey aimed at tracking the spread and severity of spotted lanternfly populations during the 2023 season.

The data collected will provide insights into the distribution patterns of both nymph and adult spotted lanternfly within and outside vineyards, enabling growers and researchers to better understand this invasive pest’s potential impact on mid-Atlantic agriculture.

The survey, which takes approximately one minute to complete, will help monitor frequent changes in the spotted lanternfly population throughout the season. Participants are encouraged to take the survey biweekly and provide their zip code, showing the spread of spotted lanternfly on a shared map.

"Our survey provides real-time tracking of spotted lanternfly populations in the mid-Atlantic region," said Michela Centinari, Penn State Extension viticulture specialist and associate professor of viticulture in the College of Agricultural Sciences. "Tracking spotted lanternfly is essential for understanding their potential damage and informing farmers and vineyard owners about the spread of this invasive species. Growers’ contributions to this survey will significantly aid our efforts to protect our regional agricultural production."

Results will be displayed automatically on an online map of the eastern U.S. To participate, growers can fill out the tracking survey online.

More information is available by contacting the Penn State Grape and Wine Team at

Last Updated June 7, 2023
