ROATAN, Honduras — During spring break, 13 Penn State students in the colleges of Earth and Mineral Sciences and Engineering joined a team of partners to build a solar array in a low-income village in Roatan, Honduras. The project is the sixth of its kind completed through the Renew Crew program at Penn State, all of which were led by David Riley, associate professor of architectural engineering. The Renew Crew is a group within the Penn State student chapter of the National Electrical Contractors’ Association (NECA).
Roatan is a small island off the coast of Honduras. Like many island communities, it struggles to meet energy needs and relies on imported fossil fuels to generate electricity. Throughout the Caribbean, island governments and utilities are turning to renewable energy as an alternative.
“In many communities like Punta Gorda, the high cost of electricity is the limiting factor for communities to provide water to families,” said Riley. “As a result, they only pump water sporadically. It is not uncommon for homes to get water only once a week."