
Q&A with returning adult student and nutritional sciences alumna Gretchen Becker

Credit: Photo provided by Gretchen Becker. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Gretchen Becker graduated from Penn State in summer 2023 as a returning adult student, completing her bachelor's degree in nutritional sciences. Her journey at the University began with earning her associate of science degree in physical therapist assistant from Penn State Mont Alto in 1990 and continuing to pursue a degree in nutritional sciences. After leaving Penn State without completing her degree, Becker returned during the summer of 2023 to take the final required course and graduated with her bachelor’s degree.

Q. Why did you decide to return and complete your degree in nutritional sciences?

Becker: I was motivated to complete my nutritional sciences degree to broaden my opportunities. In the fall of 2022, I decided to proceed. I reached out to the department and my adviser who assisted tremendously. She helped me determine which course met the requirements and to graduate. I am very grateful and the help I received from her, the department and the University.

Q. Why did you want to pursue a degree in nutritional sciences?

Becker: Before attending Penn State, I worked as an emergency medical technician (EMT) in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia. I held leadership positions in emergency medical services as well.

As an EMT, I assisted many people during the most challenging time of their lives. It was then that I knew I wanted to continue working in patient care. When my patients were transferred to the trauma center or hospital, I wanted to know what happened next. What was their prognosis; what would happen to these people?

To learn more, I enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Mont Alto campus. I was assigned to an internship in State College, Pennsylvania. I relocated to accept a full-time position there after graduation. I decided to continue my education on a part time basis pursuing a bachelor’s in nutritional sciences while working as a physical therapist assistant.

An education in nutritional sciences would be an asset to aid in the care I provided for my patients. In the final semester before graduation, circumstances in my life prevented me from completing the last class I needed to receive my degree. Despite not having my bachelor’s degree, I have been able to use the nutritional knowledge from my coursework by collaborating with registered dietitians to assist the healing of my patients.

Q. What type of support did the department and University offer to help you complete your degree?

Becker: I had the opportunity to take a class to learn study skills. I found this to be very helpful after many years of being in the workforce. The refresher helped with my mindset in completing that final class.

Any help I needed for my biostatistics class was provided by my professor, Kevin K. McDade, associate teaching professor and adviser in science. My adviser was a great resource. She was always there when I had questions or needed assistance. I really appreciated her help!

Q. Can you describe your current position?

Becker: I currently work as a physical therapist assistant for several physical therapy departments in various locations. I have worked in many different healthcare settings in the state of Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Now that I have my degree, I’m also running my own wellness business, Lightweaver Wellness, and passing my knowledge down to the next generations of students. I assist people in learning how they can make better choices to attain healthy outcomes.

Q. Do you have any advice for returning and adult students?

Becker: Know that while you are living life, your goals will change. Your path has many intersections with choices to make, keep an open mind and continue to learn. If you truly want to move on and do something different or learn more at a college level, then you should go for it. I didn’t let anybody break my stride.

Last Updated August 28, 2024
