
Promotions in academic rank, effective July 1, 2016

Penn State has announced its list of academic promotions for tenured and tenure-line faculty. Credit: Patrick Mansell / Penn State. Creative Commons

The following is a list of academic promotions for tenured and tenure-line faculty members at Penn State, effective July 1, 2016.

The following individuals have been promoted to professor:

Michael J. Axtell, biology, Eberly College of Science

Sean N. Brennan, mechanical engineering, College of Engineering

Erica F. Brindley, history and Asian studies, College of the Liberal Arts

Kevin C. Cannon, chemistry, Penn State Abington

Jeffrey M. Catchmark, agricultural and biological engineering, College of Agricultural Sciences

Sharon Dale, art history, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Sophie C. De Schaepdrijver, history, College of the Liberal Arts

Anne K. Eisentraeger, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Kelleann Foster, landscape architecture, College of Arts and Architecture

Nasrollah Ghahramani, medicine and public health sciences, College of Medicine

Susan J. Graf, English, Penn State Mont Alto

Shruti Gupta, marketing, Penn State Abington

David C. Han, surgery and radiology, College of Medicine

Murali Haran, statistics, Eberly College of Science

Edward C. Jaenicke, agricultural economics, College of Agricultural Sciences

Zuleima T. Karpyn, petroleum and natural gas engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Jason P. Kaye, soil biogeochemistry, College of Agricultural Sciences

Seungjin Kim, mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering, College of Engineering

Thomas Krainer, mathematics, Penn State Altoona

Derek A. Kreager, sociology and criminology, College of the Liberal Arts

Tracy L. Langkilde, biology, Eberly College of Science

Pui-Wa Lei, education, College of Education

Xiantao Li, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Manuel Llinás, biochemistry and molecular biology, Eberly College of Science

Robert T. Mathers, chemistry, Penn State New Kensington

Vilmos F. Misangyi, management and organization, Smeal College of Business

Dana L. Mitra, education, College of Education

Paul L. Morgan, education, College of Education

Andrew J. Mowen, recreation, park, and tourism management, College of Health and Human Development

Adam I. Muchmore, law, Penn State Law

Carla J. Mulford, English, College of the Liberal Arts

Thomas W. Noyes Jr., English and creative writing, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Willie K. Ofosu, engineering, Penn State Wilkes-Barre

Byeong-Chul Ben Park, human development and family studies, Penn State Brandywine

James A. Piazza, political science, College of the Liberal Arts

Lisa A. Reed, French and linguistics, College of the Liberal Arts

Yvette P. Richardson, meteorology, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Marcos A. Rigol, physics, Eberly College of Science

Ling Rothrock, industrial engineering, College of Engineering

Sherry L. Roush, Italian, College of the Liberal Arts

Victor J. Ruiz-Velasco, anesthesiology, pharmacology, and neutral and behavioral sciences, College of Medicine

Jungwoo Ryoo, information sciences and technology, Penn State Altoona

Vinayak V. Shanbhag, industrial engineering, College of Engineering

Fuyuan Shen, communications, College of Communications

Wen Shen, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Manohar Singh, finance, Penn State Abington

Adam D. Smith, computer science and engineering, College of Engineering

Gregory J. Smits, history and Asian studies, College of the Liberal Arts

Jeremy Staff, sociology, College of the Liberal Arts

Aissa Wade, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Guangping Wang, marketing, Penn State Great Valley

Yong Wang, biomedical engineering, College of Engineering

Craig A. Warren, English, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Christian R. Weisser, English, Penn State Berks

Yinong Yang, plant pathology, College of Agricultural Sciences

Sulin Zhang, engineering science and mechanics, College of Engineering

Xin Zhao, finance, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

The following individuals have been promoted to librarian:

Joseph A. Fennewald, Tombros McWhirter Knowledge Commons, University Libraries

Bernadette A. Lear, behavioral sciences and education librarian, University Libraries, Penn State Harrisburg

The following individuals have been promoted to senior scientist:

Richard J. Meyer Jr., Applied Research Laboratory

Douglas E. Wolfe, Applied Research Laboratory

The following individuals have been promoted to associate professor:

Kofi W. Adu, physics, Penn State Altoona

Friederike B. Baer, history, Penn State Abington

Mayra Y. Bámaca, human development and family studies, College of Health and Human Development

Jacob A. Benfield, psychology, Penn State Abington

Steven A. Bloomer, biology, Penn State Abington

Justin L. Brown, biomedical engineering, College of Engineering

Lisa V. Chewning, corporate communications, Penn State Abington

Patrick J. Drew, engineering science and mechanics, College of Engineering

Matthew J. Ferrari, biology, Eberly College of Science

Erinn H. Finke, communication sciences and disorders, College of Health and Human Development

Daniel D. Foster, agricultural and extension education, College of Agricultural Sciences

Samuel M. Frederick, German, College of the Liberal Arts

Zachary M. Furness, communications, Penn State Greater Allegheny

Matthew A. Fury, mathematics, Penn State Abington

Liliana M. Garces, education, College of Education

Daniel R. George, humanities, College of Medicine

Paul L. E. Grieco, economics, College of the Liberal Arts

Ying Gu, biochemistry and molecular biology, Eberly College of Science

Reginald F. Hamilton, engineering science and mechanics, College of Engineering

Indrit Hoxha, economics, Penn State Harrisburg

Hai Huang, engineering, Penn State Altoona

Peter G. Iliev, finance, Smeal College of Business

Timothy J. Jegla, biology, Eberly College of Science

Lauren J. Joseph, sociology, Penn State Schuylkill

Sai P. Kakuturu, civil engineering, Penn State Harrisburg

Inkyu Kang, journalism, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Jennifer L. Kraschnewski, medicine and public health sciences, College of Medicine

Forrest A. Landis, chemistry, Penn State York

Benjamin J. Lear, chemistry, Eberly College of Science

Julia Y. Lee, law, Penn State Law

Robert M. Leicht, architectural engineering, College of Engineering

Chung Yee Ada Leung, marketing, Penn State Berks

Beth A. Lindsey, physics, Penn State Greater Allegheny

Eric M. Lipsky, mechanical engineering, Penn State Greater Allegheny

Xiangmin Liu, human resource management and Asian studies, College of the Liberal Arts

Suvrath Mahadevan, astronomy and astrophysics, Eberly College of Science

Hans A. D. Mansson, communication, arts, and sciences, Penn State Hazleton

Sarah B. McClure, anthropology, College of the Liberal Arts

Kimberly S. Ménard, criminal justice, Penn State Altoona

Karen L. Miller, Spanish and linguistics, College of the Liberal Arts

Cassandra M. Miller-Butterworth, biology, Penn State Beaver

Gabriele B. Monshausen, biology, Eberly College of Science

Jason R. Morton, mathematics and statistics, Eberly College of Science

Maureen I. Muller-Kahle, business, Penn State York

Edwin Murillo, Spanish, Penn State Berks

Les D. Murray, biology, Penn State Abington

Bo Ouyang, accounting, Penn State Great Valley

Faranak Pahlevani, mathematics, Penn State Abington

Guodong Pang, industrial engineering, College of Engineering

Mary B. Pierce, administration of justice, Penn State Beaver

Milagros Ponce de León, theatre, College of Arts and Architecture

James M. Puckett, law, Penn State Law

Nicholas L. Pyeatt, political science, Penn State Altoona

Alexander T. Radosevich, chemistry, Eberly College of Science

Ziaur S. Rahman, microbiology and immunology, College of Medicine

Joshua A. Robinson, materials science and engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Connie J. Rogers, nutritional sciences, College of Health and Human Development

Liza S. Rovniak, medicine and public health sciences, College of Medicine

Holly Ryan, English, Penn State Berks

Christopher P. Salguero, Asian history and religious studies, Penn State Abington

Howard M. Salis, biological and chemical engineering, College of Agricultural Sciences

Sven Schmitz, aerospace engineering, College of Engineering

Jessica B. Schocker, social studies education and women's studies, Penn State Berks

Valerie L. Schrader, communications, Penn State Schuylkill

C. Rudolph Shepherd Jr., art, College of Arts and Architecture

Lee J. Silverberg, chemistry, Penn State Schuylkill

Noel J. Sloboda, English, Penn State York

Stephanie B. Snider, art, College of Arts and Architecture

Asif ud-Doula, physics, Penn State Worthington Scranton

E. George Walters III, electrical and computer engineering, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Kesha M. Williams, communication arts and sciences, Penn State Berks

Dawn P. Witherspoon, psychology, College of the Liberal Arts

Bradley P. Wyble, psychology, College of the Liberal Arts

Jiro Yoshida, business, Smeal College of Business

The following individuals have been promoted to associate librarian:    

Nancy E. Adams, education and instruction, University Libraries, Hershey Medical Center

Patricia M. Hswe, ScholarSphere user services, University Libraries

Thomas L. Reinsfelder, reference and instruction librarian, University Libraries, Penn State Mont Alto

The following individuals have been promoted to senior research associate:

Jules W. Lindau, Applied Research Laboratory

Edward W. Reutzel, Applied Research Laboratory

Following is a list of promotions for county extension educators, effective July 1:

The following individual has been promoted to senior extension educator:

Kelly Weisner, 4-H youth development

The following individual has been promoted to extension educator:

Amy Murphy, 4-H and youth

The following individual has been promoted to associate extension educator:

Paula J. Lucas, 4-H youth development

For a full list of fixed-term faculty promotions at Penn State, click here.

Last Updated March 12, 2025