
International Fellowship Program welcomes first cohort

The Perreault Fellows Program, established by Paul and Beverly Perreault, provides international experiential learning for students

From left to right: Back row - Jennifer Theiss (Global Programs), Dr. Sarah Stagar (IST Teaching Professor, selection committee member), Paul Perreault (CEO, CSL-Behring), Dr. Stephen Matthews (Professors of Sociology and Demography, selection committee), Brian Brubaker (Director Education Abroad); Front row - Dr. Renata Horvatek (Global Programs), Lillian Henderson, Kiana Summers,  and Rachel Miller. Credit: Adrienne Eichenlaub. All Rights Reserved.

Earlier this year, Penn State announced that Paul and Beverly Perreault had provided a million dollar endowment for both international internships and veterans issues. In November, the endowment came to life with the opening of the Penn State Student Veteran Center, and with the announcement of the first cohort of the Perreault Fellows Program.

“The Perreault Fellows Program is an important and remarkable addition to Penn State’s learning abroad footprint,” said Brian Brubaker, director of education abroad in Global Programs. “Not only does the program highlight the incredible generosity of Paul and Beverly Perreault, but it will offer an enduring opportunity for well-qualified undergraduates to access ethics and leadership training coupled with an internship abroad.”

Five Penn State students were chosen for the fellowship:

  • YuNa Choi (College of the Liberal Arts – political science)

  • Kiana Summers (Eberly College of Science - biology)

  • Lillian Henderson (College of the Liberal Arts – Mandarin Chinese and global and international studies)

  • Rachel Miller (Smeal College of Business – marketing)

  • Genesis Berrios-Torres (Penn State Abington – psychological and social sciences)

Sitting, Left to Right: Lillian Henderson, Kiana Summers, Rachel MillerStanding, Paul Perreault Credit: Adrienne Eichenlaub. All Rights Reserved.

The program will last three and a half semesters. As part of their experience, fellows will go through group mentoring sessions, the Rock Ethic Institute seminar, and the Global Engagement and Leadership Experience. The fellows will engage with a community service project in the spring semester. 

“I am endlessly grateful for the chance to take such a bold step as I know my experience will impact far more than just my career goals. I am hopeful that I will grow my current passions, gain a more authentic sense of purpose, and contribute to real change outside of my own community,” said Henderson. “I have been gifted with a unique leadership position...and I do not intend to waste it!” 

A cornerstone of the program is an international internship experience. 

"Internships abroad will allow students not only to apply the knowledge and competences they acquired in classes into the real-life situations, but most importantly, they will be able to connect on a deeper level with the culture of the place they will live in that summer,” said Renata Horvatek, international internships adviser in Global Programs. “Internships abroad will open new doors to our fellows.” 

At the end of the experience, the cohort will present on their fellowship to the provost’s Global Advisory Council. 

"I’m looking forward to the unique workshops and networking opportunities both here at Penn State and abroad this summer,” said Miller, “as well as presenting to the Global Advisory Council.” 

“Our goal is to provide every Penn State graduate with a globally informed, 21st-century skill set,” said Brubaker. “Programs like the Perreault Fellowship are key to that mission.” 

For more information on the Perreault Fellows program, contact Renata Horvatek at  

Last Updated December 6, 2019